Investigation of Charges and Complaints

Ex Officio Curile Aedile Caeso Fabius Q.

Edictum Aedilicium XIV - Investigation of Charges and Complaints


In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma, section IV.A.4.b, the Curule Aediles have the obligation to ensure order at public religious events and to administer the law, along with other duties. This edict sets forth the manner and methods by which the Curule Aediles shall carry out investigations into charges and complaints brought by any person - either citizen or guest or other associate of Nova Roma - under the lawful authority of the Curule Aediles.

  1. As Curule magistrates of Nova Roma, the Curule Aediles may be approached by any person with a complaint or charge of wrongdoing by a citizen or associate or guest of Nova Roma, on matters falling within the purview of the Curule Aediles. Such charges must be examined and investigated to establish the facts and circumstances surrounding the matter.

  2. If an offense is obvious, the Curule Aedile to whom charges are brought may elect to conduct a quick investigation and then deal with the matter. When charges are complicated, or not obvious, or otherwise require further investigation, the charges and complaints shall be investigated either by the Curule Aedile personally, or by his/her designated representatives. These investigations will be recorded and kept confidential by the Curule Aediles.

  3. All investigations into charges and complaints of wrongdoing shall be conducted in such a way as to respect the dignitas of all parties concerned. Investigators shall maintain strict confidentiality, discussing matters under investigation only with the accused, other witnesses, the plaintiff, the Curule Aedile to whom they answer and other investigators appointed to the same case. Investigators shall urge plaintiffs, accused parties, and witnesses to limit comment on such matters out of respect for all.

  4. When investigation shows that an offense has occurred, the Curule Aedile who initiated the investigation shall exercise invocatio to call the accused to justice. The manner in which justice is then served shall be as declared in separate edicta and other laws of Nova Roma.

  5. Records of all investigations - even the most cursory - shall be kept by the Curule Aediles and their designated scribae. When a Curule Aedile relinquishes office that Aedile's confidential records of investigations shall be transferred into the custody of the Temple of Ceres, or such other archive as the Temple of Ceres shall designate, there to be retained for a period of not less than two years for investigations which did not lead to trial, and not less than five years for investigations which did lead to trial. These records are confidential, and may be released only to Curule magistrates engaged in their lawfully appointed duties. They may not be published save for such portions as become a matter of public record through being introduced as evidence in a trial or magisterial nonjudicial hearing.

  6. Each record of investigation shall include, at a minimum:

    1. Name (NovaRoman and legal names) of the plaintiff(s)
    2. Name (NovaRoman and legal names) of the accused if known
    3. Statement of charges and/or complaints including specifications
    4. Names (NovaRoman if applicable and legal names) of witnesses
    5. Statements of witnesses, plaintiff(s), and accused
    6. Investigator's findings of fact and evidence
    7. Investigator's conclusions
    8. NovaRoman and legal name of Investigator
    9. NovaRoman and legal Name of Curule Aedile who commissioned the investigation, if complaint not investigated by the Curule Aedile directly.

  7. Investigators appointed by a Curule Aedile to investigate charges and complaints brought before the Curule Aedile shall be considered commissioned representatives of their magistrate, and given full cooperation in their investigations by all plaintiffs, witnesses, and other citizens and associates of Nova Roma. Any citizen who feels that an investigator thus appointed has abused their authority to harass, insult, or otherwise damage a person may bring the matter to the attention of either Curule Aedile, or any other Curule magistrate who may wish to intervene, or in the case of Plebeians, any Tribune of the Plebs.

  8. This edictum becomes effective immediately.

Given on the 3rd of June, in the year of the consulship of Marcus Octavius Germanicus and Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, 2755 AUC.

Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senior Curule Aedile

03 Iunius 2755

