Dismissal of Scribae and Promotion of Scriba

Ex Officio Curile Aedile Caeso Fabius Quintilianus

Edictum Aedilicium X about the dismissal of Scriba Aedilis Investigator Honorable Caius Cornelius Puteanus and Scriba Aedilis Consursus Secunda Honorable Claudia Cornelia Puteana and the promotion of a new Scriba Aedilis Investigator Primus

I have the privilege of having a very active and hard working Cohors Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) to assist me. To my great sorrow two very competent and active members of my Coihors left Nova Roma about two months ago. I have waited and hoped that they would return, but as of now I have lost all hope. I have got no explanation to their disappearance, but I still will say that they did the Cohors and Nova Roma great services, but also left some empty spaces. Now time has come to say good bye!

I. I hereby dismiss Scriba Aedilis Investigator Honorable Caius Cornelius Puteanus and Scriba Aedilis Consursus Secunda Honorable Claudia Cornelia Puteana from their positions in the Cohors Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.).

II. I also hereby promote Honorable Caius Cornelius Ahenobarbus to the position of "Scriba Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) Investigator Primus et Artificium" (First Aedilian Scriba for Inquiry and Artwork).

III. Honorable Caius Cornelius Ahenobarbus is also to become the ordinary Caput of the Officina Investigatoris (Office of Inquiry) in his capacity as "Scriba Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) Investigator Primus". Honorable Caius Cornelius Ahenobarbus is also, in his capacity as "Scriba Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) Artificium", to continue to assist in the Officina Ludi as Adiutor Tertius (Third Assistant) to Caput Officina (Head of Department): Quaestor Illustrus Franciscus Apulus Caesar.

IV. As he already is an official of Nova Roma Honorable Caius Cornelius Ahenobarbus already has sworn the public oath and will _not_ have to do so again.

V. This edictum becomes effective immediately.

Given May the 14th, in the year of the consulship of Marcus Octavius Germanicus and Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, 2755 AUC.

14 Maius 2755

