Subject: [novaroma] Roman - Greek Art & Gifts. A website for Nova Romans!
From: "vitogermana" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 22:10:22 -0000
Fellow Citizens of Nova Roma, My Site is
up and running, as a member of the Ordo Equester, I ask that you
take a peek at it, let me know if you have any questions, or are
looking for anything in particuler. Let me know what you think of
the site, in general.

Victorious Germanicus Caeser

Subject: [novaroma] Sending congratulations to Praetor Fortunatus
From: "cypress100tree" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 05:50:07 -0000
I also want to extend my sincere congratulations to the Honorable
Titus Labienus Fortunatus for his election as Praetor. May Fortuna
smile upon your family and your future work in the coming year.Bona
Fortuna! Aurora Aurelia Commodiana

Subject: [novaroma] Oath of office
From: Emilia Curia Finnica <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:51:53 +0200
I, Emilia Curia Finnica (Emilia Finnlund) do hereby solemnly swear to
uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best
interests of the people and the Senate of Nova Roma.

As a magistrate of Nova Roma, I, Emilia Curia Finnica (Emilia
Finnlund) swear to honor the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public
dealings, and to pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private

I, Emilia Curia Finnica (Emilia Finnlund) swear to uphold and defend
the Religio Romana as the State Religion of Nova Roma and swear never
to act in a way that would threaten its status as the State Religion.

I, Emilia Curia Finnica (Emilia Finnlund) swear to protect and defend
the Constitution of Nova Roma.

I, Emilia Curia Finnica (Emilia Finnlund) further swear to fulfill
the obligations and responsibilities of the office of Scriba Aedilis
(Caeso Fabius Q.) Aranei to the best of my abilities.

On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the
Gods and Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor,
do I accept the position of Scriba Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) Aranei
and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities
attendant thereto.

Emilia Curia Finnica

Scriba Araniae Academia Thules ad Studia Romana Antiqua et Nova

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [novaroma] DECLARATIO AEDILIS 2755
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 21:19:15 +0100

The Aediles of Roma Antiqua didn't form any Collegium, we their
modern successors however aim to recreate this ancient office. As we
do that, we need to cooperate. This we have decided to do in our
_informal_ "Collegium Aedilis". We can speak for two of the three
elected Aediles, but before the fourth is elected we can't share any
definitive plan for the coming term. Still here we will share what we
have with You Roman Citizens Senate and Populus.

The Junior Curule Aedile has agreed upon most of the points, but has
yet to agree about the totality. Sadly enough Junior Curule Aedile
Illustrus Amulius Claudius Petrus seem to have disappeared. He has
been sought for, but he has not answered. We do hope that all is OK
with him and that he will be back soon, healthy and happy!

Hereby we, the Senior Curule Aedile et Senior Aedile Plebis, declare
that we have decided to cooperate in the following tasks which are
assigned to the Aediles according to the Constitution and Mos Maiorum:

1. The Ludi (Games and festivals):
The responsibility for these, including information about each
separate Ludi on the Nova Roma homepage (this is the responsibility
of Illustrus Amulius Claudius Petrus), is distributed according to
the following list (which is partly built on tradition and partly on
personal agreement according to practicality):

January 24-29 Sementivae (Curule Aedile: A. C. Petrus)
February 15 Lupercalia (Plebeian Aedile: New PA)
March 14 Equirria (Plebeian Aedile: T. A. Cicatrix)
April 4-10 Megalesia (Curule Aedile: C. F. Quintilianus)
April 12-19 Cerialia (Curule Aedile: A.C. Petrus)
April 18-May 3 Ludi Florales (Curule Aedile: C. F. Quintilianus)
June 9 Vestalia (Plebeian Aedile: New PA)
July 6-13 Ludi Apollinares (Plebeian Aedile: T. A. Cicatrix)
July 20 Ludi Victoriae Caesaris (Curule Aedile: A. C. Petrus)
September 5-19 Ludi Romani (Curule Aedile: both)
October 16 - November 1 Ludi Victoriae (CA, C. F. Quintilianus)
November 4-17 Ludi Plebii (Plebeian Aedile both)

2. The Archives (Leges and Plebicites) and other public documents
shall be administered by the Aediles, in the following order, which
is determined according to practicality:

The Annals of Nova Roma: (CA, C. F. Quintilianus)
The Plebisites and Leges: (Curule Aedile: A. C. Petrus)

3. All other work on the NR homepage shall primary be administered by:
(Curule Aedile: A. C. Petrus)

4. All Aediles have the right to issue edicta according the
Constitution, as independent magistrates. However Curule Aedile Caeso
Fabius Quintilianus will have the responsibility to coordinate this

5. All Aediles shall research this office with the aim to lay the
foundation to a Aedile's Handbook sometime in the future. In this
research the Aediles will especially look into their relation to the
Praetores (Curule Aediles) and the Tribuni Plebis (Aediles Plebis).

6. The Aediles Curule and Aedile Plebis shall strive to recreate the
responsibilities of their office during this term. Even though
practical issues may "force" them to redistribute some of their tasks.

7. The Aediles shall in cooperation strive to organize or help in
organizing face-to-face meetings above the Provincial level during
their term. Such a meeting is slowly taking shape in August in Europe
this year.

This Declaratio is only binding upon those who have signed it, but
should be seen a guide for the all Aediles this year!

This is the end of this joint Declaration from the Aediles of year 2755.

Caeso Fabius Quintilianus Tiberius Apollonius Cicatrix
Senior Curule Aedile Senior Plebeian Aedile


Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senior Curule Aedile
Propraetor of Thule

The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an official opinion of Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
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