Subject: [novaroma] R: Curator Araneum
From: "Franciscus Apulus Caesar" <sacro_barese_impero@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:04:35 +0100
Franciscus Apulus Caesar Marco Octavio Germanico et omnibus S.P.D.

I has a lot of private critics about my post "R: Curator Araneum" for my
hard and
unrespectful language. Sorry, I don't want hurt anybody, I ask apology to
the Curator Araneum and the web staff and to each person feel hurted by my
unpolite words. Often I speak very bad english and I use uncorrect words. I
hope you understan my posts and take more peacefully.
Marcus Octavius, I talk with you like Curator Araneum, my opponent, and not
like Senator and the next Consul. I hope you accept my forgive and consider
me friendly,
a friend concurrent!

> We can keep debating right up to the end of the election! Of course,
> as time goes by, it becomes pointless to do so, as more people have
> voted already.

Ok, I said it's not important for me.

> I think most who have used it would say that the programming and the
> user interfaces were of high quality as well.

Yes, it's right! Your work on the data base is very good and big. I said my
congratulations about your db structure.

> Thank you. Regardless of who is Curator, I will keep on improving my
> programs on the site. And, regardless of who is Curator, I will invite
> you to improve the design.

Thank you, I'll honorated to work with you. My proposal to the Senate and
the future magistrates is build a web team with programmers and designers.

> We have that. We have a site with personal profile pages, an interactive
> calendar and chat system, a message board (hosted offsite, but I intend
> to eventually replace it). That is a community site; your dislike of
> the layout does not make it any less so.

Is it enough? In my personal opionion this is the first step for the
creation of a roman community.
If you understand italian you look website like or
They are wesites of universities and Pubblic Administration and they offer a
real community, a lot of features for the users. This is my idea of

> Yes, I have; enough so to be able to form an opinion of them. The Nova
> Roma site layout isn't perfect, but it's reasonably good.

I dont' like it, it's just a personal opinion.

> Right now, it's biggest failing is the lack of section headers on most
> pages, and the placement of the home and top-of-section links at the
> I've fixed this on several pages (the ones with the new headers) and will
> continue to do so.

When I say "poor, old and very not-stimulating" I consider the impact of the
website. A real good and impressive design attract the interest of the user,
improve the imagination and make more pleasent the navigation. So, for
example, in my opinion the most important part of the messages is the menu
and it must be on the top, even in front of the navigator. Or now if I'm in
the Costitution I can't go in the Album Civum easily, I must come back to
the homepage or search if there is the link in the page.

> And there are plenty of sites that are unuseable with any browser but
> a certain one from the northwest US, tricked out with all the latest
> proprietary content-type handlers.

I don't understand, can you explain?

> A site that focus on text content,
> with a simple navigation scheme, is readable by absolutely anything,
> including Lynx and screen-readers for the blind.

Ok, but i'm working on the creation of a job newspaper website. The heard of
the site is the text, the articles, but there is a loto of graphics running
on all the OSs and platforms. A website focusing on the text can have a cool
design and the design help to read better.

> Pressing the Page-Down key once is easy, yes. I find the large flag
> (and the new text-graphics that accompany it) to be a visually striking
> design. It is stark and bold; like the Romans themselves!

Yes it's easy for you and me but it's not intuitive. You must consider the
unskilled user which don't know the correct keys. It' more intuitive if you
show soon the most important matters.

> The table of contents below is easily accessible. I do plan to
> reorganize the links within - make top level sections of Religion,
> Politics, the Roman Way, etc., and move most of the others under
> them as second-level headings.

... but not comprensible. Please, you must understand my words like advices
and not just poor critics.

> In my eighteen months I built the Album Civium, Calendar, Chat, updated
> the Tabularium and Macellum; built Censor's tools, a Century point
> calculator, the voting area... etcetera.

Your work is very impressive, yu improves the official website and I don't
critic you for this. I critic you about the design.

> Perhaps two percent of my
> time was spent working on the visual layout of the site. This will
> increase in the future, now that most of the important stuff is out
> of the way. (Some of those projects, like the century point calculator,
> had deadlines that could not be missed, regardless of whatever else
> I'd rather be working on).

I hope to help you about the grow of the lay-out. I'm ready for this and I
have a lot of ideas in my chaotic :-) mind to present you.

> The flag has always been like that, long before I had any access
> to the site. I do not have the original and therefore cannot improve
> on it. (Perhaps downloading, resizing, and saving would fix it;
> I'll try that).

You can redesign it and make it as gif, it's not too hard.

> I don't know what you mean by this.

The backgorud of the titles and images don't coincide with the page
background. It gets a bad view.

> You must suffer a lot of those daily then; there are many, many sites
> that look far worse than ours.

I do and know, but now I'm talking about If possible I
would change many websites.

> Text is content. If a site is not heavy with text, then there's nothing
> there. People come to the site to read the text.

It's sure, but we can make more pleasent the navigation. Why you hate so
much the cool design? Text and nice lay-out can live friendly!

> As for the images, we have very few image-heavy pages - the Senate and
> Magistrates pages, the Gallery/Pinacotheca, the Reenactment sections
> are the only ones.

Why you don't can publish more images and make they less heavy?

> I'd like to hear from some habitual users of slow connections - what
> do our AOL and WebTV users think of this issue?

I surfed with webtv and the navigation is too hard too.

> Truncating the text would mean removing content, and without content
> there's no point in having a site at all.

You can build a valid structure for the texts. For example, the album civum
download on my pc in 20 sec. with a low connection. This time is too long
for little PCs.
The same for the Tabularium and Costitution.

> I apologize then, I misunderstood you.

No problem.

> I am a programmer.

For this reason I would help you on the design.

> The vast majority of applications of Flash are frivolous.

In your respectful opinion because the vast majority of Flash application
aren't serious Flash isn't good. Right, the 90% are animations and cartoons
but the10% are useful and practicxal applications.

> An interactive map of Rome would be nice. For us, though, there doesn't
> seem to be a place for those other applications.

Flash could help us to show better some features and make the website more

> Graphic designers are not the only web professionals; there are
> programmers and sysadmins here too.

Sorry but a "graphic designer" is a DESIGNER. So the programmers and
sysadmin are web administrators and in the they don't know well the design.

> Why not? HTML work very good with Flash application. Do you want a little
> example? the animated gif of PayPal weighs 14,3 Kb.

That is a good example, and I would not object to using it for such
small things.

> The website will grow by adding content and functionality, using
> the standard client-side tools, HTML and images, in order to allow
> access by everyone, regardless of their choice of software.


> Yes, and as I have demonstrated, I have been building a "real interactive"
> site for the past year and a half. I have provided "real interactive"
> features like chat and calendar, not animations and frippery.

IMHO this is not enough, we can build a site more interactive.

> Thank you; and I will ask you for design advice next year (only design).

Thank you for your consideration. So, Octavius, in each result of votaion I
hope to work with you beacause if we'll work togheter (you only db and me
only design :-) we can improve very well Nova Roman website.
This isn't a personal war versus you, I hope our duscussions are the basis
for a grow of the community.
Please, you don't read my words not-polite or unrespectful, we're talking as
opponents for the same Office.

Valete et bonam fortunam Comitia Centuriata.

Franciscus Apulus Caesar
Provincia Italia
Paterfamilias Gens Apula
Alme Sol ... Possis Nihil Urbe Roma Visere Maius

Subject: [novaroma] R: Curator Araneum
From: "Franciscus Apulus Caesar" <sacro_barese_impero@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:33:51 +0100
Franciscus Apulus Caesar Tito Octavio Pio et omnibus S.P.D.

> First, you speak a lot in rather vague terms, making broad and sweeping
> promises as to how the website would be like. The only concrete step
> I've seen you suggest is using Flash for doing whatever it is that you
> want to do. A prototype made available on some server would have done
> your cause a world of good.

Ok, it's right! I have a lot of ideas for an improved Nova Roman official
website like:
- change the lay-out more cool. When I write cool I want say a design more
attractive becaming the text contents more pleasent with a lay-out oriented
to a graphics menu and signal too;
- improve the navigation. It's right the actual website is easy but in many
sections are too confised in my peronal opinion. Signals, menus, oriented
graphics, more little text, used in a reasonable usability, can help the
navigation of the users;
- webspace for the provincial governors to create the site of own Provincia
under the URL . In this way we can get the
possibility to have a little provincial community (with the help of the
Curator Araneum's staff too) and control all the official local websites;
- improve the partciaption of the citizens by: > chat with more rooms and
the possibilty of videoconference
> acta
diurna and forum (message board) more easy and open to all
interactive tours about the culture or religion like locations, themples or
museums etc.
(I dont'
if this is possible because I don't know the websystem of the website);
- Via Romna, Pinacotheca and maybe Pantheon like real photo-gallery, with a
system of navigation less heavy;

> The only thing I know for certain that
> you're capable of is demeaning the effort and all the hard work Marcus
> Octavius Germanicus has put into developing the website, as well as
> using vague buzzwords to attract voters in the elections.

No, This is wrong. My words were peaceful and this isn't a personal war
versus Marcus Octavius Germanicus. The work made in the last year is very
good but in my personal opinion it's not enough, we can build a more
interactive and attractive website. Sorry, but I read Octavius posted to
attract voters, I just answered.

> Secondly, having studied computer science at university level for three
> years, including a course on Flash, I have to totally concur with Marcus
> Octavius Germanicus in his assessment on the usability of Flash. Apart
> from economical and ideological difficulties many may have with Flash as
> a commercial product, it is just the easy way out for those who want
> flashy graphics and don't care to learn the mechanics of more advanced
> and flexible systems.

I don't want use Flash in the system. The web system is different by the
lay-out. I said the structure is good but the design could be better. Flash
is an option to improve the design and I said Flash COULD be a way.

> Thirdly, I resent the aggressive way in which you attack the words and
> deeds of Marcus Octavius Germanicus, a senator of Nova Roma with
> countless hours spent on the betterment of our nation. Since I realise
> at least some of this may stem from your lack of familiarity with the
> english language,

Right, my post was very unpolite but I talked with my opponents for the
Office of Curator Araneum first and after with a Senator. I have the better
respect for Ocatvius and I ask apology if I hurted Marcus, you and the
Dignitas of the Nova Romans. So, often what I want say in my language have a
different sound in english and I hope you'll read more friendly my posts.

> I suggest you either have someone proofread what you
> submit, or abstain from debating altogether.

This is unpolite ;-) (Thank you, C.F.Q). Sorry, but I follow your first
advice and reject the second.


Franciscus Apulus Caesar
Provincia Italia
Paterfamilias Gens Apula
Alme Sol ... Possis Nihil Urbe Roma Visere Maius

Subject: Re: [novaroma] R: Curator Araneum
From: Kristoffer From <from@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 02:13:13 +0100
Franciscus Apulus Caesar wrote:
> Right, my post was very unpolite but I talked with my opponents for the
> Office of Curator Araneum first and after with a Senator. I have the better
> respect for Ocatvius and I ask apology if I hurted Marcus, you and the
> Dignitas of the Nova Romans. So, often what I want say in my language have a
> different sound in english and I hope you'll read more friendly my posts.

Salve, Francisce Apule Caesar.

I must ask for your forgiveness, since it seems I made a mistake I have
often warned others against. No offense is taken on my part, now that I
understand what you meant, and I shall try to give you the benefit of a
doubt in any further relations.

I guess I'm a bit hypersensitive to insults, what with the elections and
everything. I hope you can forgive me!

Vale, Titus Octavius Pius.


"Qui desiderat bellum, praeparet bellum." - Vetinari

Subject: Re: [novaroma] R: Curator Araneum
From: Maximina Octavia <myownq@-------->
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 17:26:48 -0800 (PST)

> Salve Francisce Apule,
> > To me Flash is annoying and it often causes loops
and pages I cannot extricate myself from. I leave a
site with Flash as fast as I can.

Our current webmaster (Marcus Octavius Germanicus)
takes everyone's computer situation into consideration
so everyone can enjoy the NR site.

I find a lot of foo foo gets on my nerves. I would
much rather have the straight forward, honest,
reliable and hardworking site we have now and get my
kicks from a good action movie thanks.

Valete, Maximina

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Subject: Re: [novaroma] Bona Dea
From: Maximina Octavia <myownq@-------->
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 17:29:54 -0800 (PST)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: antoniuscorvusseptimius@--------
> To: novaroma@--------
> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 4:40 AM
> Subject: [novaroma] Bona Dea
> The Roman earth and fertility goddess who was
> worshipped exclusevly by
> women. Do we have anyone who has offered rites to
> her?

> Dii te ament, A. Corvus
> Septimius
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
> Terms of Service.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

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Subject: RE: [novaroma] Sound Social Judgement
From: "JusticeCMO" <justicecmo@-------->
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 20:46:14 -0500

>>Yes, meaning ones e-mail(s) should be registered with the censors, in a
db. The curator being able to check against the db, through a passwd secured
web-interface wich only answers citizen or not. It is not technically
difficult do write this from the existing database.>>

While I like the idea of being able to check on citizenship status in some
circumstances, doing as you suggest you require changing the List settings
so that *anyone* wishing to subscribe would have to apply and then wait for
the Curatrix to approve them. This could create quite a backlog, since on
average anywhere from 2 to 6 individuals join our List. This would be quite
unfair to citizens, for example, who simply wish to add another account to
their subscription. Also, since historically it is our *own* citizens who
have created the situation, only moderating non-cives would hardly solve the
problem. Add into the mix the fact that this would require the Censors to
maintain a fully updated database of *every* e-mail address of *every*
citizen (as opposed to their one required one for citizenship), well I am
sure you can see how quickly the workload to maintain your plan would spiral
out of control.

>>Non-citizens until accepted. (Srill less censorship as the actual

Once again you show a misunderstanding of the word "censorship". As with
*all* moderated members, citizen or not, unless a post requires me to take
action according to my sworn duty, every line appears exactly as written.
All this policy has done, and done successfully, is make it a useless task
for some disgruntled individual to post "hit and run" garbage on our List.
Every legitimate post sees the light of day as written and, indeed, once the
poster has exchanged a few e-mails with the List the moderation ceases.

>>I know that they were in fact citizens, but since they don t want to make
them recognized as the citizens they are they automatically enter the
non-citizen category.>>

This would pose a rather serious problem. If you would have me create two
distinct classes here.........non-citizens automatically moderated and
citizens unmoderated.......then by your logic citizens (regardless of what
name they use) would be denied their "right" to join unmoderated simply
because they choose to use a new name. While I think we agree on our basic
opinion of these trolls, the solution you propose unfairly targets
non-citizens when indeed, they have not been the bulk of the problem.

>>And that is why I intend to maintain an "anti-troll" device, along the
lines described above.>>

I am glad you agree with the necessity of having safeguards in place.
Taking care of the List and protecting its members from abuse is not
"censorship", it is the sworn duty of the Curatrix.

Priscilla Vedia Serena
Curatrix Sermonis

> Vale
> Manius Villius Limitanus
> Candidate to curator sermonis
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: RE: [novaroma] Censorial Nota
From: "JusticeCMO" <justicecmo@-------->
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 20:51:21 -0500

> Good, his foolishness should have no place on the forum. It's cases like
> this one that I am glad to have you as Curatrix Sermonis.
> Vale,
> Amulius Claudius Petrus

Thank you for your kind words. Incidents like this are what make this job
such a demanding one. It is not always *easy* to make the required
decisions, but it is my duty and one I take very seriously. Along with the
job comes the duty to act as required and that means the positive growth of
the List as well as taking on the hard cases personally and not shirking
from it or "passing the buck".

Priscilla Vedia Serena
Curatrix Sermonis

Subject: [novaroma] Happy pre-Saturnalia from Gens Flacca (Photos available.)
From: "oppiusflaccus" <oppiusflaccus@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 02:38:25 -0000
Salvete amices et Quiritibus;

Though it is a bit early for Saturnalia proper, I wanted to take
this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, 'bonus' and prosperous
Saturnalia season. Since I'm not sure when my next post will be,
now seems like as good a time as any.

For those of you who aren't too sick of seeing pictures of
Gens Flacca (or heck, even if you are...) then I humbly invite you
to check out the fresh Saturnalia picture that we just posted to
our website as our means of best wishes to our fellow cives. If you
have a moment, please check out the following link:

Again, all the best from our familia to yours on this festive
holiday season.

Salvete in Pace Deorum,
-Oppius, Salonina et Sextux

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Happy pre-Saturnalia from Gens Flacca (Photos
From: Amulius Claudius Petrus <pkkt@-------->
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 22:12:08 -0500

Salve Oppius Flaccus,

>oppiusflaccus at oppiusflaccus@-------- wrote:
> Though it is a bit early for Saturnalia proper, I wanted to take
> this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, 'bonus' and prosperous
> Saturnalia season. Since I'm not sure when my next post will be,
> now seems like as good a time as any.

Happy Saturnalia Oppius and all of gens Flaccia!

> For those of you who aren't too sick of seeing pictures of
> Gens Flacca (or heck, even if you are...) then I humbly invite you
> to check out the fresh Saturnalia picture that we just posted to
> our website as our means of best wishes to our fellow cives. If you
> have a moment, please check out the following link:

This was my first visit to you site. I found it quite interesting. Great
picture with you and Augustus! I hope that in the future my own gens could
build a photo album much like yours. Well done!


"Quamquam cupido sit delictum ab suis crebro est mater virtutum"
"Though ambition may be a fault in itself it is often the mother of virtues"

Amulius Claudius Petrus
Candidate for Aediles Curules
Provincia Legatus Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Gens Claudia
Canada Orientalis Provincia

Please visit my campaign website at:

Canada Orientalis Website:

Gens Claudia Website:

Subject: [novaroma] Web Design
From: jmath669642reng@--------
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 22:13:38 -0500 (EST)
While I know next to nothing about web design, I do know that a "spiffy"
web site very often draws people with a short attention span, and very
few determinations to stick around and give as much to Nova Roma as she
gives to each of us. Witness our last recent Citizen who has drawn a
"NOTA" for his List Behavior from the Censors. Well Done

Additionally, since I do not have a computer but rather rely on Webtv
because of the continuous threat of viruses, Octavious Germanicus
understands this reliance, and has been kind enough to honor that
situation in his considerations. I am not sure what "Flash" would do to
WEBTV, but I suspect that it would interfere in a major way.

Octavious Germanicus has also been extremely diligent in responses to
the needs of Nova Romans. Web Design has to take a back seat to the
citizens needs and desires, Such, he has done, very well, since
becoming our Webmaster.

Let's see, he has adapted possible venues to the needs of the citizens,
he has listened to special considerations of those citizens, and he has
put the needs and desires of the citizens before the desire to "hale
off" into the wide blue yonder and create a flashy, website with little
depth. Instead, he has put his efforts into creating an excellent
web-site that meets the needs of those who must use it daily.

I would suppose that there were ways to better the website, just as I
would suppose that Octavious Germanicus will do that in his own time (as
I understand he does also work at a macworld job) and in the way that
meets the needs of Nova Roma and her citizens with all thier special

I should be very pleased to have you assist Octavius Germanicus with
your ideas, should you wish to do so, and if that is what he
wishes----however, until I have a more definate feel that you are more
knowledgable in what is needed here in NR than our present Webmaster, I
will be pleased to stay with the gentleman who has done a great job
since his acceptance and whom I trust emphatically to continue doing so
for the foreseeable future. While, however, your responses have not
convinced me of that. I appreciate your apologies and I think I
understand the difficulty in the use of a language not native to you.
However, I must say that I very much appreciate the fact that you did
write in English for otherwise I should not have known in this limited
time what you had to say, which would in all likelyhood have been lost
before the time when I would have had to register my vote.

Thank you sir, for your comments, and thank you Mistress Vedia, for your
steadfastness in maintaining the requirement of using English or
providing an English translation. Once again, in this small way, this
excellent rule has proven itself.

Marcus Minucius Audens

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Happy pre-Saturnalia from Gens Flacca (Photos available.)
From: "pompeia_cornelia" <trog99@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 04:03:56 -0000
---Salvete Oppius et Alii:

Thanks for sharing! As always, I enjoy seeing pics of friends.

And there is nothing wrong with a presaturnalia offering! You have
just reminded us, especially me, that I have to get my gluteus in gear
with my greeting cards,ordering some stuff from the catalogue, picking
out some things for the new bathroom in the family room so Mother can
come over, the baking, the staff party gifts..........alas!!!!

And here, we have a pic of Salonina, Oppius and Sextus with their
trees decorated, their mantle adorned, relaxing........miles ahead of
the game!

We don't hear from you often, Oppi, as you are busy, but you still
manage to put time into a terrific website for your gens, and an
online guide for the next Censors.

Like the saying goes....if you want something done......"ask the busy

Ave Magna Gens Flacca!

Pompeia Cornelia

In novaroma@--------, "oppiusflaccus" <oppiusflaccus@--------> wrote:
> Salvete amices et Quiritibus;
> Though it is a bit early for Saturnalia proper, I wanted to take
> this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, 'bonus' and prosperous
> Saturnalia season. Since I'm not sure when my next post will be,
> now seems like as good a time as any.
> For those of you who aren't too sick of seeing pictures of
> Gens Flacca (or heck, even if you are...) then I humbly invite you
> to check out the fresh Saturnalia picture that we just posted to
> our website as our means of best wishes to our fellow cives. If you
> have a moment, please check out the following link:
> Again, all the best from our familia to yours on this festive
> holiday season.
> Salvete in Pace Deorum,
> -Oppius, Salonina et Sextux

Subject: [novaroma] What Can I Do???
From: jmath669642reng@--------
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 23:18:56 -0500 (EST)
Citizens and Citizen-Applicants of Nova Roma;

Recently I have recieved several inquiries from new citizens and
citizen-applicants who have asked me the same question. What can I do??

I came on this old post, in which I talked about that topic before. I
put it back on the mainlist in answer to those who have inquired. If
anyone needs a further and more definative answer, then contact me
presonnally and I shall be pleased to help as I may.

Marcus Minucius Audens

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Subject: [novaroma] New E-Mail Address for George Metz
From: "George Metz" <gwmetz@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:37:31 -0500

George Metz has finally escaped from the Wide World Wait !!
He now has a high-speed cable modem connection.

However, my e-mail address has changed to geometz@--------

Please adjust your address books accordingly. Thank You.

My previous address of gwmetz@-------- will remain valid for a time.

I apologize for any cross-posting and multiple postings; as this was a mass
mailing from my address book.

George Metz AKA "Feather-Duster George", "Marsallas"(Legion XXIV), "Oberon" TK124

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [novaroma] Gathering in Southern California
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <alexious@-------->
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 21:55:55 -0800
Ave Omnes,

Today I would like to discuss a recent meeting of Nova Romans that
occurred at the residence of Antonia Cornelia Octavia.

Present where:

Antonia Cornelia Octavia - Hostess
Secunda Cornelia Valeria - Conducting the Religio Service
Quintus Fabius Maximus - Proconsul
Prima Cornelia Pulchra
Titus Cornelius Caesar
Remus Octavius Porus
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
and 1 non citizen.

It was a wonderful gathering. We had a schedule that we followed that
consisted of the following:

I. Welcoming the guests and set up of the gathering.

II. A Religio service dedicated to Saturn focusing on Saturnalia (Given
by Secunda Cornelia Valeria)

III. Luncheon - Food that was either Roman or Middle Eastern in

IV. A brief lecture on the history of Christmas (Given by Secunda

V. Poetry Reading of Ovid by Antonia Cornelia Octavia

VI. Gift Exchange (each of us brought a gift to the gathering. Antonia
handed out the gifts as she found the bean and was appointed head of the
Event) [I hope I explained that correctly.]

VII. General discussion about NR, each other..and a winding down of

My comments - I had an excellent time. We discussed a wide variety of
topics ranging from ancient Rome to Nova Roma current politics and
voting. The reading from Ovid was very interesting as I have never had
the opportunity to read Ovid. His works are very interesting. <g> We
discussed an upcoming meeting to be held in January 14th at a local
restaurant (The Olive Garden) in Downey, CA.


Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Subject: [novaroma] Nova Roma Website
From: "flaviusdio" <3s@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 08:20:16 -0000
Caius Flavius Diocletianus Quiritbus S.P.D.

Senator Marcus Octavius Germanicus established a fine website for Nova
Roma. The website has a fine balance between design and informative

Sometimes, I use a internet connection via notebook and mobile phone
with 9.600 bps. Even with this *very* slow connection the whole
website runs quite slow, but reliable. Unthinkable with flash content.

We should not forget that our website is the most important part of
our infrastructure. The various alba, records, the tabularium, all of
this is always important both to citizens and magistrates.

Personally, I´m convinced that a website design should be as simple as
possible. And it is the way the NR website is designed. The various
interactive features make the website very useful tool in everyday
work, under all circumstances, at all time.

Al least, we are Romans, not only internet freaks. Marcus Octavius has
given us all we need.

Caius Flavius Diocletianus
Praetor, Senator
Candidate for Censor

Subject: [novaroma] To vote in absence?
From: "rapax@--------" <rapax@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:31:13 +0200

I'll be leaving in January for six months to complete my military
service.During my
home-leaves I'll try to follow the res publica but I think I won't be
able to do this
regularly which is one of the thousands of other things that make me
sad at heart.
So,I was wondering..if a voting occurs during my absence can a
fellow citizen vote
in my stead?Is this legally possible or impossible?The responsibility
of voting is
important for me and I don't want to leave without having an answer on
No matter where I'll be....Nova Roma will always be with me!

Valete bene...

Publius Sentius Rutilianus Dexion
Civis Novae Romae

* Sapiens dominabitur astris ! *

Subject: [novaroma] Re: tablet weaving by the Romans
From: "yasminalghazali" <yasminalghazali@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:45:14 -0000
Thank you, Prima Fabia Drusila, for so much information. I got
another information from the SCA-List:
Festschrift for John Peter Wild "The Roman Textile Industry and Its
Influence", edited by Penelope Walton Rogers et al.; London: Oxbow
Books, 2001. This book seems to be littered with finds of tablet
weaving from Roman excavations. Yea!
Beata Salicia Saltata

--- In novaroma@--------, asseri@a... wrote:
> Salvete,
> I have several links that does a fair amount of cross over
on the
> subject of textiles. The ones I refer to are as follows. Some of
these are
> older and may be dead . If you should run into that please let me
know off
> line.
> I also suggest using the Nova Roma main web site to various
> links as well in the reenactment sections, has been very useful in
the past
> as well.
> Valete
> Prima Fabia Drusila
> <A HREF="">Roman
Clothing, Part I</A>
> <A HREF="">Roman
Clothing, Part II</A>
> <A
hing.html">Ancient Roman Transport</A> (it really about clothing)
> <A HREF="">Diotima: Women & Gender in
the Ancient World</A>
> <A HREF="">larp-anna's</A>
> links in general .
> I don't think any knowledge is useless. I t just has to wait
> before it can be used is all.
> <A
Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome</A>
> <A
Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome</A>
> <A
Olde Cookery Book</A>
> <A HREF="">The Food
> <A HREF="">Biblioteca
> <A
Roman Board Games</A>
> <A HREF="">Romanae
> <A HREF="">Rome</A>
> <A HREF="
c8%87%76%e6">An Old-Fashioned Solstice</A>
> <A HREF="">DL-Latin
Lit Class-Related Links</A>
> <A HREF="">Ancient Roman
> <A
Education - The Romans</A>
> <A HREF="">BBC Online -
WebGuide</A> (various subject both modern and ancient try the
> histroy section.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] Web Site & Other
From: "Marcus Sentius Claudius" <msentius@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:33:36 +1100
I too like the web site - I have found it extremely informative - I have
also found the voting easy.

I would also like to now take the opportunity of wishing luck to all of the
candidates for the positions for which I just voted for. I voted for Lucius
Cornelius Sulla Felix , as I have found him helpful in my initial couple of
months in Nova Roma. I also find that his posts are informative and
helpful. He is an asset to the Republic and his leadership would be
welcomed into the new year.

Is anyone out there a practicing Christian - as I would like to wish them
all a merry xmas and to all my fellow citizens a very prosperous new year.
May it be one of peace throughout the whole world.

May everyone also vote for Gaius Sentius Bruttius Sura - he is running for
AEDILIS PLEBIS - he works hard and being in Australia, I would over for him
to win the position.

Marcus Sentius Claudius

Subject: RE: [novaroma] Sound Social Judgement
From: Michel Loos <loos@-------->
Date: 10 Dec 2001 10:43:04 -0200
On Sun, 2001-12-09 at 23:46, JusticeCMO wrote:
> Salve,
> >>Yes, meaning ones e-mail(s) should be registered with the censors, in a
> db. The curator being able to check against the db, through a passwd secured
> web-interface wich only answers citizen or not. It is not technically
> difficult do write this from the existing database.>>
> While I like the idea of being able to check on citizenship status in some
> circumstances, doing as you suggest you require changing the List settings
> so that *anyone* wishing to subscribe would have to apply and then wait for
> the Curatrix to approve them. This could create quite a backlog, since on
> average anywhere from 2 to 6 individuals join our List. This would be quite
> unfair to citizens, for example, who simply wish to add another account to
> their subscription.

Just as much as your own system: A new account is placed on previous
censorship until proven to be a genuine citizen.
If I understand well the system you use: a new account is placed on
previous censorship for a certain period of time.
A real citizen would only pass much less time on previous censorship.

> Also, since historically it is our *own* citizens who
> have created the situation, only moderating non-cives would hardly solve the
> problem.

Previous censorship for non-proven-citizen catches the trolls, or
reveals them in the exact same way as if they were using their own,
known account.

> Add into the mix the fact that this would require the Censors to
> maintain a fully updated database of *every* e-mail address of *every*
> citizen (as opposed to their one required one for citizenship), well I am
> sure you can see how quickly the workload to maintain your plan would spiral
> out of control.

This would help the censors to contact the citizens, since often one
passes from one e-mail to another gradually.

> >>Non-citizens until accepted. (Srill less censorship as the actual
> system)>>
> Once again you show a misunderstanding of the word "censorship". As with
> *all* moderated members, citizen or not, unless a post requires me to take
> action according to my sworn duty, every line appears exactly as written.
> All this policy has done, and done successfully, is make it a useless task
> for some disgruntled individual to post "hit and run" garbage on our List.
> Every legitimate post sees the light of day as written and, indeed, once the
> poster has exchanged a few e-mails with the List the moderation ceases.

It seems you misunderstand censorship, previous censorship is about
reading something before it comes public, effectively censoring it or
not. That's exactly what is so much decryed by the free world in the
various not-so-free countries around the world.

> >>I know that they were in fact citizens, but since they don t want to make
> them recognized as the citizens they are they automatically enter the
> non-citizen category.>>
> This would pose a rather serious problem. If you would have me create two
> distinct classes here.........non-citizens automatically moderated and
> citizens unmoderated.......then by your logic citizens (regardless of what
> name they use) would be denied their "right" to join unmoderated simply
> because they choose to use a new name.

No, if they can use any name if they identify themselves as who they

> While I think we agree on our basic
> opinion of these trolls, the solution you propose unfairly targets
> non-citizens when indeed, they have not been the bulk of the problem.

Make your mind: is previous censorship unfair or not?
The fact is a non-citizen is not liable to our laws, if he does
something illegal in NR, which is not illegal in his macro-nation we
have absolutely no way of punishment.
That means we have to protect our republic a way or another, previous
censorship as said by somebody else (was it Celso?) is a way of
preventing criminality instead of repressing it, for non-citizens it is
the only way.

> >>And that is why I intend to maintain an "anti-troll" device, along the
> lines described above.>>
> I am glad you agree with the necessity of having safeguards in place.
> Taking care of the List and protecting its members from abuse is not
> "censorship", it is the sworn duty of the Curatrix.

The sworn duty of the Curator is to "_maintain_ and moderate the
official email discussion list sponsored by the state", you never
took care of the first part and interpreted the second part as meaning
some previous censorship, in opposition to the constitution:
"Such communications, regardless of their content, may not be restricted
by the State, except where they represent an imminent and clear danger
to the Republic".

All stems from your _interpretation_ of "reasonably moderated in the
interests of maintaining order and civility". Many e-mail lists I
participate in are "reasonably moderated", without ever in more than 6
years a participant had to placed on previous censorship (your
"moderated" status). I am not talking of litle lists but lists whith
some 1000-3000 members of diverse cultural origin and extremely diverse
political ideas.


Manius Villius Limitanus

> Vale,
> Priscilla Vedia Serena
> Curatrix Sermonis
> >
> > Vale
> >
> > Manius Villius Limitanus
> > Candidate to curator sermonis
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] Digest No 1746 Nova Roma Website
From: "Lucius Equitius" <vze23hw7@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:52:12 -0500
Censor Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus Quiritibus SPD

Diocletianus dixit: "Al least, we are Romans, not only internet freaks.
Marcus Octavius has
given us all we need."

Yes, indeed! One thing to remember, as often as we can, is that Novi Romani
are real people, many if not most of whom are not working on or spending
significant amounts of time online or with computers. To many of us the
computer is just one of many tools we use in our daily lives. It's a great
tool but only that.

I like the look of the Nova Roma website!

I think that Senator Marcus Octavius Germanicus has done a fantastic job. I
have no doubt that he could have added all the "bells and whistles" anyone
would want, but in my not so humble opinion, we don't need them. Sure some
of the changes he made are not sweeping, grand alterations, but they do what
was intended. They give a new look, but also a sense of continuity, 'it's
different but still home', fresh while maintaining familiarity. I'm proud of
our website, it's dignified! Sure there are things that need improvements
and mistakes that need correcting, but we're working on those things as we
continue to grow.
He has given us the tools we need AND he continues to progress! He is always
thinking of new things, consulting with colleagues, taking suggestions from
others, and giving due consideration to Constructive criticism. I'm proud to
call him a friend and colleague.

Ave, Marcus Octavious Germanicus!

Bene omnibus nobis.

Message: 9
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 08:20:16 -0000
From: "flaviusdio" <3s@-------->
Subject: Nova Roma Website

Caius Flavius Diocletianus Quiritbus S.P.D.

Senator Marcus Octavius Germanicus established a fine website for Nova
Roma. The website has a fine balance between design and informative

Sometimes, I use a internet connection via notebook and mobile phone
with 9.600 bps. Even with this *very* slow connection the whole
website runs quite slow, but reliable. Unthinkable with flash content.

We should not forget that our website is the most important part of
our infrastructure. The various alba, records, the tabularium, all of
this is always important both to citizens and magistrates.

Personally, I´m convinced that a website design should be as simple as
possible. And it is the way the NR website is designed. The various
interactive features make the website very useful tool in everyday
work, under all circumstances, at all time.

Al least, we are Romans, not only internet freaks. Marcus Octavius has
given us all we need.

Caius Flavius Diocletianus
Praetor, Senator
Candidate for Censor

Subject: Re: [novaroma] R: Curator Araneum
From: Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 10:02:06 -0600 (CST)
Salve Francisce Apule,

> I has a lot of private critics about my post "R: Curator Araneum" for my
> hard and unrespectful language. Sorry, I don't want hurt anybody, I
> ask apology to the Curator Araneum and the web staff and to each person
> feel hurted by my unpolite words.

I did object when you said the design was "poor"; but as for the rest,
I recognize that English is your second language, and often the words
may seem rougher than what was intended. Therefore, I do not take
offense at anything you've written, and consider it to be within
acceptable standards of political campaigning.

You are a good designer, and while I prefer to keep the structure and
layout of the site simple and austure (for quick loading and compatibility
with all platforms including lynx), I recognize that you have some very
good ideas. Thus, I invite you to join NovaRomaWebSites@--------,
where we can discuss major changes to the design. I'm sure that we will
eventually choose a compromise design that improves the appearance
somewhat while not abandoming simplicity and compatibility.

(Anyone else interested in the topic should also join that mailing list.
I hope to see the new Aediles there in particular, as I believe that
Aediles should be involved in the management and maintenance of the site).

Vale, Octavius.

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Happy pre-Saturnalia from Gens Flacca (Photos available.)
From: Maximina Octavia <myownq@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:19:40 -0800 (PST)
Salvete Familia Flacca,

Thank you for posting the wonderful photos. I had so
much fun looking at them and truly was not in the
Saturnalia spirit until now.

And, what a beautiful baby. He is a wonderful

What a great way to share the mood! Thanks again!

Maximina Octavia


Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

Subject: RE: [novaroma] To vote in absence?
From: "C. Minucius Hadrianus" <shinjikun@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 12:30:27 -0500
Salve Publi Senti Rutiliane Dexion!

As a fellow soldier and civies of Nova Roma I wanted to wish you luck
with you military service! Good luck and stay safe!


C. Minucius Hadrianus


Staff Sergeant Adrian Gunn

-----Original Message-----
From: rapax@-------- [mailto:rapax@--------]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 6:31 AM
To: novaroma
Subject: [novaroma] To vote in absence?

I'll be leaving in January for six months to complete my
service.During my
home-leaves I'll try to follow the res publica but I think I won't
able to do this
regularly which is one of the thousands of other things that make me

sad at heart.
So,I was wondering..if a voting occurs during my absence can a
fellow citizen vote
in my stead?Is this legally possible or impossible?The
of voting is
important for me and I don't want to leave without having an answer
No matter where I'll be....Nova Roma will always be with me!

Valete bene...

Publius Sentius Rutilianus Dexion
Civis Novae Romae

* Sapiens dominabitur astris ! *

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Censorial Nota
From: "Marcus Apollonius Tacitus" <m_apollonius@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:38:25 +0100

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix Scripsit:

>Avete Omnes,

>We, the Censores of Nova Roma, do hereby declare a Nota against >Citizen
>Tiberius Apollonius Callias, also known as Sokarus. We have discussed
>recent messages to this list by Tiberius Apollonius Callias and have
>come to the conclusion that a Nota is warranted. The reasons we, >the
>Censors take this action was due to gross disrespect to several >elected
>magistrates of Nova Roma; abuse of the Nova Roma email list; failure >to
>act in accordance to the Roman Virtues; conduct unbecoming of a Nova
>Roman. In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Censors
>are vested with powers to maintain the public virtue of the citizens >of
>Nova Roma.

One of the Roman Virtues was discussion and debate, and that's what Sokarus did. Oh well, let's everybody have its opinion, even when it's wrong...

>In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma (IV.A.1.F.), the
>Censors hereby declare that Tiberius Apollonius Callias's right to >vote
>has been revoked. His vote in this election is hereby invalidated by
>the Censors of Nova Roma.

One of the main things of voting procedures (I don't want to say 'democratic' voting procedures, because nothing is democratic here) is that it is secret. If you invalidate his vote in the elections, that mean you can track them, and if you can track them it means you know who and what he voted for. Is this one of the "public virtues" you want to keep safe for the people of NR?
Help, we're doomed!


>Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
>Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus
>Censors of Nova Roma

The same (except for that censor-thing),

Marcus Apollonius Tacitus,
just a citizen of Nova Roma.

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Subject: RE: [novaroma] To vote in absence?
From: "rapax@--------" <rapax@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:35:15 +0200

Ave to a fellow soldier and thanks for your kind wishes!
May Mithras and Mars grant their protection to you
wherever you are
serving your country!
Vale bene..

Publius Sentius Rutilianus Dexion

>Salve Publi Senti Rutiliane Dexion!
>As a fellow soldier and civies of Nova Roma I wanted to wish you luck
>with you military service! Good luck and stay safe!
>C. Minucius Hadrianus
>Staff Sergeant Adrian Gunn

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Censorial Nota
From: labienus@--------
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:36:38 US/Central
Salve Marce Apolloni Tacite

> >In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma (IV.A.1.F.), the
> >Censors hereby declare that Tiberius Apollonius Callias's right to vote
> >has been revoked. His vote in this election is hereby invalidated by
> >the Censors of Nova Roma.
> One of the main things of voting procedures (I don't want to say 'democratic'
> voting procedures, because nothing is democratic here) is that it is secret.

Each civis has a voter code, which is known only to him or her and the
censores. When the rogatores count the votes, each set of votes is identified
by the voter code of the civis who cast those votes. In this way, the
rogatores can be certain that a set of votes was cast by a civis (the voter
code would not be in the list of valid codes otherwise) without knowing who
voted for what.

Therefore, the censores can instruct the rogatores to discount any votes cast
with a particular voter code. Presumably, they will provide Sokarus Apollonius
with a new code when the nota is removed, assuming he chooses to remain a civis.

A side note:
It is this civis' opinion that Sokarus Apollonius' vote should be counted if it
was cast prior to the issuance of the nota (a possibility: I received the
announcement after I voted), rather than being discounted ex post facto.

T Labienus Fortunatus

Subject: [novaroma] ATTN (Religio Romana): ante diem IV Idus Decembres (December 10th)
From: "Antonio Grilo" <amg@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 20:11:59 -0000

This is one of the dies comitiales (C), when assemblies of citizens can vote
on political or criminal matters.

In Roma Antiqua this was the day when the Tribuni Plebis started their
magistrature, as the result of their previous election in the Comitia Plebis

The month of December is sacred to Vesta.

Di vos bene ament

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Censorial Nota
From: "mariuscorneliusscipio" <nramos@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:45:20 -0000
Salvete omnes!

--- In novaroma@--------, "Marcus Apollonius Tacitus" <m_apollonius@B...>
> Salve,
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix Scripsit:
> >Avete Omnes,
> >We, the Censores of Nova Roma, do hereby declare a Nota against
> >Tiberius Apollonius Callias, also known as Sokarus. We have
> >recent messages to this list by Tiberius Apollonius Callias and
> >come to the conclusion that a Nota is warranted. The reasons we,
> >Censors take this action was due to gross disrespect to several
> >magistrates of Nova Roma; abuse of the Nova Roma email list;
failure >to
> >act in accordance to the Roman Virtues; conduct unbecoming of a
> >Roman. In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma, the
> >are vested with powers to maintain the public virtue of the
citizens >of
> >Nova Roma.
> One of the Roman Virtues was discussion and debate, and that's what
Sokarus did. Oh well, let's everybody have its opinion, even when
it's wrong...

You are certainly correct that everyone is entitled to their opinion -
what was not acceptable was the rude and rather arrogant spectacle
that Sokare engaged in "expressing his opinion". Telling everyone to
engage in activities best not described here if they disagreed with
him was arrogant, childish, and boorish; and there is absolutely no
reason why I or any other cive sholud have to put up with it.

You can be sarcastic, maybe even a tad bit caustic when posting here -
we're Romans, for God's sakes... but it was too much. I hope he's
taking this time to reconsider whether arrogance and high-handedness
towards other is a good engagement strategy. In real life, it would
have cost him some real physical pain (perhaps even been fatal) to
have engaged in such conduct in public fora. Here, he has merely been
chastised and had his vote removed.

> >In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma (IV.A.1.F.), the
> >Censors hereby declare that Tiberius Apollonius Callias's right to
> >has been revoked. His vote in this election is hereby invalidated
> >the Censors of Nova Roma.
> One of the main things of voting procedures (I don't want to
say 'democratic' voting procedures, because nothing is democratic
here) is that it is secret. If you invalidate his vote in the
elections, that mean you can track them, and if you can track them it
means you know who and what he voted for. Is this one of the "public
virtues" you want to keep safe for the people of NR?
> Help, we're doomed!

This was addressed by Senator Fortunatus - I can add no more to his

> >Respectfully,
> >Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> >Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus
> >Censors of Nova Roma
> The same (except for that censor-thing),
> Marcus Apollonius Tacitus,
> just a citizen of Nova Roma.

Optime valete, et Iuppiter nos protegas!

Marius Cornelius Scipio
Aedilis Curulis Nova Romani

Subject: Re: [novaroma] R: Curator Araneum
From: Amulius Claudius Petrus <pkkt@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 17:14:07 -0500

Salvete cives et Marcus Octavius,

>Marcus Octavius Germanicus at haase@-------- wrote:
> (Anyone else interested in the topic should also join that mailing list.
> I hope to see the new Aediles there in particular, as I believe that
> Aediles should be involved in the management and maintenance of the site).

I joined up to this list in the first few days of its existence. Since then
it has been silent. I am very interested in this topic, I too strongly
encourage any citizens who design websites for this nation to join up. By
hearing your ideas and experiences of creating sites for Nova Roma we may be
able to better our existing websites together.

If I am elected as an Aedile I intend to completely redo the ludi section of I would love to hear your feedback, ideas, etc. on this
project. Because we have no real world structures, our websites are the
closest thing we have to public buildings. We are the architects of this
nation. By working together at this list and sharing ideas, just imagine the
structures/websites we can create in the name of Nova Roma! Sign up!


"Quamquam cupido sit delictum ab suis crebro est mater virtutum"
"Though ambition may be a fault in itself it is often the mother of virtues"

Amulius Claudius Petrus
Candidate for Aediles Curules
Provincia Legatus Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Gens Claudia
Canada Orientalis Provincia

Please visit my campaign website at:

Canada Orientalis Website:

Gens Claudia Website:

Subject: RE: [novaroma] Sound Social Judgement
From: "JusticeCMO" <justicecmo@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 18:30:36 -0500


>>Just as much as your own system: A new account is placed on previous
censorship until proven to be a genuine citizen.>>

And what of the members who join our List but never join our nation? We do
have a fair number of such individuals here. Would you be in favor of them
remaining moderated indefinitely simply because they are not citizens?

>>If I understand well the system you use: a new account is placed on
previous censorship for a certain period of time. A real citizen would only
pass much less time on previous censorship.>>

Since it has, traditionally, been "real" citizens who have caused the need
for this policy, your plan does not solve the problem. To admit citizens
with no safeguard also opens the doors to citizens who simply wish to join
the Main List, post something abusive, and then leave. Under the current
Policy they do not have the access to do that.

>>Previous censorship for non-proven-citizen catches the trolls, or reveals
them in the exact same way as if they were using their own,known account.>>

Your policy would not catch these trolls. If I understand you correctly,
anyone contacting me and saying "Hi, I am Citizen X", whom I verify is a
citizen, should not *be* moderated in any way. Therefore your policy would
allow exactly the abuses the current policy has prevented.

>>This would help the censors to contact the citizens, since often one
passes from one e-mail to another gradually.>>

As I understand it, if a citizen changes their e-mail address they already
notify the Censors. However, in this day and age many people have multiple
accounts and do not *wish* to receive mail on *every* one of them from the
Censors or from Nova Roma in general. While I cannot speak for the current
Censors, I do doubt they would approve of having to track and update every
known e-mail address of every citizen. Just between Germanicus and myself
they would need to track and keep current an average of 12 addresses, none
of which (except our "Nova Roman" ones has *any* connection to Nova ROma.
Some of those addresses change frequently depending on our needs, so in just
this small example you can see where the workload spirals out of control.

>>It seems you misunderstand censorship, previous censorship is about
reading something before it comes public, effectively censoring it or not.>>

According to your definition then, the very job you are seeking *requires*
this at times. It is the nature of the job to have to, on occasion, take
action and moderate members. Then again, you have made it clear you would
not fulfill this aspect of the job should you be elected, and perhaps that
explains your view above.

>>Make your mind: is previous censorship unfair or not?>>

You need to read more carefully. I said that *targeting one segment of the
population* is unfair. Moderating new members until they have established
that they are here to be legitimate members and not to peddle porn or scream
obscenities is completely fair and, indeed, necessary.


>>The sworn duty of the Curator is to "_maintain_ and moderate the official
email discussion list sponsored by the state", you never took care of the
first part>>

I haven't? Indeed. Maintenance has taken place in myriad ways this year.
Assisting members with subscription, dealing with "bouncing" memberships,
updating and cleaning up Files, assisting members with uploading files, etc.

>>and interpreted the second part as meaning some previous censorship, in
opposition to the constitution: "Such communications, regardless of their
content, may not be restricted by the State, except where they represent an
imminent and clear danger to the Republic".>>

It fascinates me that you have known about this Policy for many months now
and have never taken any action, despite repeated invitations to do so,
towards having it overturned. Perhaps that is our greatest difference. I
care about this Nation as a whole, each and every month of the year. You
seem simply to try and "rattle the cages" during elections. If you truly
believed this Policy was unconstitutional then I have to openly challenge
you to explain why you took no action or, indeed, ever mentioned it until

>>All stems from your _interpretation_ of "reasonably moderated in the
interests of maintaining order and civility".>>

Exactly so. It is the *job* of Curatrix to do exactly this. It frightens
me that you are so obstinately unaware of the very nature of the job you

Priscilla Vedia Serena
Curatrix Sermonis

> Vale
> Manius Villius Limitanus
> > Vale,
> > Priscilla Vedia Serena
> > Curatrix Sermonis
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Vale
> > >
> > > Manius Villius Limitanus
> > > Candidate to curator sermonis
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] gathering
From: AntoniaCorneliaOctavia <europamoon7@-------->
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 14:51:55 -0800 (PST)
Avete Omnes,

Just wanted to let all of you know how the gathering
held yesterday afternoon at my home went. There were
eight of us in attendance. Seven were cives and one
was a non-civis. Among those in attendance were our
illustrious Consul-to-be Lucius Cornelia Sulla Felix,
Prima Cornelia Pulchra, Quintus Fabius Maximus and
Secunda Cornelia Valeria. We started out the
afternoon with a ritual for Saturnalia performed by
Secunda Cornelia Valeria. It was beautiful and
interesting. During the ritual we were presented with
ceremonial cakes and told to check for a red bean in
our cakes. Whoever ended up with the bean in their
cake was King (or Queen) for the event. I ended up as
the Queen to everyone's surprise (there were rumors of
a fixed cake but these rumors were quelled when it was
obvious that I was not about to abuse my power).
After the ritual we feasted on Tunisian Stew,
couscous, cheese broccoli soup, assorted cheeses,
mediterranean olives, beet salad, grapes, dates, figs,
bread, corn bread cake, and a Roman bread pudding.
The menu was eclectic to celebrate the diversity of
the Roman Provinciae. All was delicious and received
much praise. While dining I read from Ovid's Erotic
Poems. Guests found it both entertaining and
enlightening. Next Secunda Cornelia Valeria read a
small dissertation on the origins of Christmas and
Saturnalia. We then exchanged our Saturnalia gifts.
Some of the gifts included a beautiful Roman denari
with Elabagalus, a bronze Constantine coin, Roman toy
pieces made out of some kind of metal (very
interesting), a beautiful gold music box, a book on
Roma, and See's candy which we all enjoyed.
Throughout the afternoon we chatted, joked, drank
honeyed wine and had a wonderful time while music
played in the background. It was a good time had by
all. I look forward to the next gathering. In the
meantime, we all look forward to the meeting on
January 14 in Downey at the Olive Garden at 6:30 p.m.
I hope to meet some more Nova Romans at the next
gathering and I hope some of you can make it to the
meeting in January.


Antonia Cornelia Octavia
Scriba Propraetoris di California

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