Subject: [novaroma] ATTN (Religio Romana): ante diem III Nonas Octobres (October 5th)
From: "Antonio Grilo" <amg@-------->
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 14:00:49 +0100
Salvete omnes

Yesterday I was unavailable, but here is the religious posting.


This is one of the dies comitiales (C), when committees of citizens can
vote on political or criminal matters.

Today is the "Mundus patet" (open Mundus), when the Mundus is ritually
opened. The Mundus is the trench that Romulus created when he drove the plow
which marked the outline of the city at its foundation. The center of the
Mudus is considered the center of Rome, for it was from this point that
Romulus measured the dimensions of the city. An altar is reared over the
The Mundus is an arched subterranean cavity which establishes the
communication between the world of the living and the Infernus, world of the
dead, kingdom of Dis/Orcus/Pluto and Proserpina. To appease the Dii Inferi
and the dead, people deposit ther fruits, vegetables and other offerings.
Because the Mundus is the entrance to the chtonic world,
it is also said that the Mundus belongs to Ceres (Festus, p.126, 4).

This opening of the Mundus is also performed in August 24 and November 8.
"religiones" ("religio" means "religious duty". Note: the word "religio" had
not the same meaning which it has today. The Romans considered that there
were different cults - i.e. different ways of worshiping the Gods - and not
different Religions in modern sense) apply today:
- It is forbidden to engage in combat.
- It is forbidden to raise troops.
- It is forbidden to make troops march.
- It is forbidden to raise anchor.
- It is forbidden to marry or procreate.
Nevertheless, comitia and other public activities are allowed.

The month of October is sacred to Mars.