Subject: Propraetors in Lex Cornelia de Privitas Rebus
From: "Antonio Grilo" amg@--------
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 08:34:42 -0000
Salvete omnes

Abstracting from other issues about which I have not decided, I see a first
flaw in this law. It is required that Provincial Propraetors have a more
easy access to the citizen information. Only like this their work can be

Antonius Gryllus Graecus

Subject: Re: Propraetors in Lex Cornelia de Privitas Rebus
From: Decius Iunius Palladius amcgrath@--------
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 03:53:11 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Antonio Grilo wrote:

> From: "Antonio Grilo" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=243232178003185091033082" >amg@--------</a>
> Salvete omnes
> Abstracting from other issues about which I have not decided, I see a first
> flaw in this law. It is required that Provincial Propraetors have a more
> easy access to the citizen information. Only like this their work can be
> efficient.


This law grants governors access to that information in the second
paragraph, where it states that other magistrates can apply for the
information if it is needed to perform their duties.


Decius Iunius Palladius,

Subject: Times and dates for the election
From: Decius Iunius Palladius amcgrath@--------
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 03:54:33 -0500 (EST)

Salvete! The times for the election are as follows:

Comitia Centuriata:

Sunday, Dec. 5, 1700 EST (2300 "Official" Roman Time, 1400 Pacific Time)
-Sunday, 19 December, 1700 EST (2300 Roman Time, 1400 Pacific Time).

Comitia Populi Tributa:

Sunday, December 5, 1700 EST (2300 Official Roman Time, 1400 Pacific Time)
-Monday, 13 December, 1700 EST (2300 Roman Time, 1400 Pacific Time).

Comitia Plebis Tributa:

I would recommend to the Tribunes the same schedule as the Comitia Populi
Tributa since the law that govern the time frame for both is the same.


Decius Iunius Palladius,


"Quis ita familiaris est barbaris,
ut aram Victoriae non requirat!"

Quintus Aurelius Symmachus

Subject: Re: Time and date for the Comitia Plebis Tributa
From: "Antonio Grilo" amg@--------
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 11:49:25 -0000

Following the sugestion of Consul Palladius, the schedule for the Comitia
Plebis Tributa is

-Sunday, December 5, 1700 EST (2300 Official Roman Time, 1400 Pacific Time)
-Monday, 13 December, 1700 EST (2300 Roman Time, 1400 Pacific Time).

Antonius Gryllus Graecus
Tribunus Plebis

Subject: ATTN: Change to the Lex Crylla de prorogandis magistratibus
From: "Antonio Grilo" amg@--------
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 12:26:33 -0000
Salvete cives

As pointed out by Consul Palladius, the Lex Crylla de prorogandis
magistratibus simply confirms the powers already assigned to the Senate in
the Constitution. Nevertheless, this is not enough.
The plebeians have the right to two Tribuni Plebis and two Aediles Plebis.
In case there are no candidates to occupy these positions, the senate MUST
guarantee the rights of the plebeians by appointing its members as needed.
Lex Crylla de prorogandis magistratibus is removed from the ballot and
changed to the following (I'm going to insert only the English version. The
Latin version will be included as well in the Aerarium if the lex is

Lex Crylla de securandis magistratus plebis

If no candidates for Tribunus Plebis or Aedilis Plebis declare in December,
the Senate must provide for those magistrates by either of the following
- By extending by one year the term of the magistrate serving in that
with the consent of that magistrate, or
- By appointing senators to serve the required magistrate positions.

Valete omnes
Antonius Gryllus Graecus

Subject: Caesar, the election, et al.
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 09:59:47 -0800
Caesar, you have done yourself proud with your action of setting up
that page. If you had followed channels and gotten pre-approval the
election would have been over by time you got the site up. And it
would likely have been changed into something unwieldy as a result of
numerous well meaning suggestions. Hail, Caesar! [ I know you like
seeing that. ;-) ]

If the Lex Iunia on Magistrates Ages is passed Caesar will be able to
hold no offices other than the most junior magistracies (which now
includes provincial governor) for several more years. Of course
someone with Caesar's energy and insight into what is needed might get
a special dispensation from the Senate, but such a thing is usually
difficult in the general world and may be no easier in NR. I am still
undecided about how to vote on this law, but Caesar's recent handiwork
gives me pause and second thoughts about voting for it. [ A random
thought: Just how many of the ca. 125 on the list and how many of the
ca. 40 voting citizens are 25 years old and above? How many are even
21 years old? ]

On the matter of our being given laws to vote on: I am a committed
reader of the NR posts that I get from the various sources. (And I do
my best to reply to all post that are addressed to me.) Now I may be
accused of spotty amnesia, but I do not recall seeing these laws
presented to the people before the presentation of the ballot for
tomorrow's election. I submit that it would be a service to the
community that any law that is to be voted on have been up for
discussion for at least the same amount of time as candidates,
preferably for some longer amount of time. This last qualification is
based on the fact that we know something about the people who stand
for office before they might even let us know they intend to do so.
And a human being can be influenced to adapt their views over the
course of their term of office. A law is not so flexible. In fact,
the more open to interpretation a law is, the more it might be said
that it was poorly crafted in the first place. The longer a law is
before the people the more chance there is for problems and points of
clarification to be worked out before it is put for a vote. I do not
think a law should be reworded once it has been posted as part of the
ballot. The Lex Iunia regarding the ages of magistrates was first
posted in a previous election and was withdrawn because of a number of
problems. This is a good way to go about it. If there is a problem
with the way a proposed law is written, phrased, conceived,
whatever... withdrawing it until a later time is wise and laudable.
While we didn't receive 30 second advertisements of the coming of Lex
Iunia II for the last three months, we who were around for the
previous elections knew of it being out there. The issues it validly
addresses are known to us, as are the pros and cons. Just the same an
official statement of what laws were going to be on the ballot before
the ballot is issued would help lubricate the electoral process.

On voter turn out: I vote with a consistency that verges on the
religious. That having been said, I do not hold at all with the
cliché that if one does not vote they have no right to complain. If I
tried to use words to convey how much I despise that type of thinking
some people would be shocked by my language. Some people do not vote
because they are "just too caught up in other things", or are unable
to vote. Some people do not vote as a political statement in and of
itself. If I recall correctly, some resistance movements call this
"refusing to endorse the system". My Uncle in Newark, New Jersey
would have put it something like, "Why should I waste my good time
voting on any of that crap?" These do not really apply to NR, but
they may be taken as illustrations of how voters can think from time
to time. Not voting can be a political act in itself.

In my honest opinion the cliché that if one does not vote they have
not right to complain, can be a rational for elitism and an opening
for other sorts of stupidity. If you don't vote, you have no right to
complain about being chased out of town? If you don't vote, you have
no right to complain about having your vote taken away? If you don't
vote, you have no rights at all? Clichés? The challenge is to get
the people to vote, not hurls quaint sayings in their faces. You can
get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

To the people that do not vote, or are not sure about it being worth
the bother, I have some other sayings:
"If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no
candidates you want to vote _for_... but there are certain to be ones
you want to vote _against_. ... [Paragraph] If this is too blind for
your taste, consult some well meaning fool (there is always one
around[?] ) and ask his advice. Then vote the other way. This enables
you to be a good citizen (if such is your wish) without spending the
enormous amount of time on it that truly intelligent exercise of
franchise requires."
On a more cynical bent:
"Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you; if you don't
bet, you can't win."

Hail, the People.
Ave Roma Immortalis.

C. Aelius Ericius
[leaving off the three sentences of titles]

Subject: Re: Digest Number 649 ATTN: Contra Corneliam legem - longish and political was REVISION: Lex
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 10:24:00 -0800

<Message: 18
< Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 15:36:20 -0800
<From: "RCW" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
<Subject: Re: ATTN: Contra Corneliam legem - longish and political
was REVISION: Lex <Cornelia
<de Privitas Rebus

<Yes, we have been in communication, and Gaius Marius Merrullus and I
<trying to work a way around some issues. Once that happens, the
People will
<be the first to know.
This seems to end up with the People not being the first to know.
Perhaps the third or the fourth, which could be said to equate with
being the last to know. The voting will be starting very soon, if
not already! And this law is still being crafted. It would seem that
it needs some more work. It seems as if this law is not ready to be
voted on by the People, and that it should be withdrawn until all the
kinks are worked out. There is no disgrace in saying dinner will be a
half hour late; it might be more appreciated at that time. An honest
opinion from a citizen.

the rest of Sulla's message is included for context, and to give him
another say on a law that he feels is needed.
<This is a very important Lex. Something that needs
<to be implemented in Nova Roma. It is important that issue is
<fully. I expected there to be changes in this. Whenever changes are
<they will be noted on the Nova Roma List. Thank you for all who are
<concerned with this issue. If you have any input you can e-mail the
list or
<me privately.

<L. Cornelius Sulla

C. Aelius Ericius.

Subject: Honors, Caesar, the election, et al.
From: <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=045232113165042200148200112241225012177026038196249130152150" >jmath669642reng@--------</a> (James Mathe--------/td>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 14:45:53 -0500 (EST)
Salve, Senator et Pro-Praetor Ericius;

I have read your views on voting and on your honors, and I find that I
must disagree to a certain extent with your feelings on the two matters:

Firstly in regard to your honors, they were to a certain degree assigned
to you and sustained by the authority elected in Nova Roma and the
respect of the Nova Roma Citizens. To me the listing of such Honors is
paying respect to those in Nova Roma who support me as a Candidate, and
a Sodalitas Commander, Praetor, Quaestor and as Curator Differum. Those
honors in my view, when listed, is my way of honoring those, in return,
who have provided them to me, for my efforts in regard to Nova Roma.

You are certainly familiar with my background, in the Navy and some of
my attainments in that paradighm. As you and Cincinnatus and a few
others of military background will be able to attest, my military
achievements and achievments in working wih Youth are quite sufficient
for my needs as personal recognition, but the Honors of which you speak
are not such, but rather in my estimation are gifts to me from NR as a
whole and for which I am most grateful. As a small measure of my
gratitude I mention my Honors when I feel that they are appropriate, as
I am proud that others see me as being valuable to their needs, because
they help define my role to newcomers who can use my assistance, and
they are my way of thanking those who have so generously supported me in
NR. If in fact some people find them boring, unnecessary, or
self-promoting, then I am sorry for that shortsightedness, and all I can
do is attempt to explain my reasons, But, leave off the honors by which
I show my appreciation to those who have helped and encouraged me in
Nova Roma, no, that I will not do.

In regard to voting I believe it to be a very important part of the
responsibility of every Citizen. Your points regarding reasons for not
voting is an interesting set of statements. I will, if I may, address
them from my perspective:

--I believe that it is a part of an unwritten agreement with any
organization to which you have asked to join, that your vote on
interests of that organization is both important, strongly solicited and
requireed. If there are those who do not vote by way of making a
political statement, I cannot see the value in that unless the non-voter
expresses to the organization to which he / she belongs the reason for
the "political statement" so that the Magistrates may at least have the
hope of addessing the problem giving rise to the "political statement."
Without that expression no good is accomplished by a refusal to vote,
except perhaps a festering of bad feeling that no-one is aware of except
the "non-voter";

--Don't have time to vote. I never "have time to vote" and have never
had time to vote in my life. It always comes at the wrong tme, the
location is not close by a place of my choosing, and the methodology and
personnel actions often offends me in some way. So, I have simply
determined to make whatever arrangements that will be necessary to vote
and then do so, no matter what else is involved. Nova Roma, as a
institution, has bent over backward, and will probably bend further
still in response to fortcoming suggestions, to insure the ease of
voting. If anyone can take the time to express a reason why they can't
vote, then they have the time to cast thier ballot. I agree with you in
that "voting" should not reflect upon rights, so that if you don't vote
"you have no right to have a say what goes on" but I do say that
without a vote upon proposed policies within an organization to which
you belong, how will the leadership of that organization determine to
plan a course of action for that organization? I have no seen a great
outpouring of comments, advice, or suggestions from the group of
non-voters in NR and that smacks to me of simple disinterest. I would
be most happy to be proved wrong!!!!! It will be interesting to see the
percentage of increase in the voters in this election as a result of the
new web page, and the posting of information on the Message Board where
"platforms" and candidate background may be reviewed at the voter's
leisure. This election is important in that there are laws to be
considered and election decisions in at least two very important

In regard to you comments about a minimum age for Magistrates, I concur
that there are those young people who are 18 years of age who are
brilliant and mature beyond their years, as there are those over 25
years of age who would die in all probability , unless someone showed
them the way home or led them in out of the rain, but how are we to
determine the suitability of such exept by thier actions? The Citizens
of Nova Roma have the right to be represented by not only enthusiastic
young people, but also mature people who can weigh the benefits and
liabilities of a decision that may effect situations of which they have
no knowledge. A certain life experience and willingness to search for
answers in areas unfamiliar are indications of maturity, as well as
being willing to recognize one's own shortcomings and take steps to fll
in the blank spaces. I believe that you must admit that those above
attributes are not normally credited to young people without some period
of observation. I do not critcize in my last statemet a have worked
closely with young people over the last 35 years, and have a lgion of
them who I would trust explicitly, but who needd a little adult
guidance in areas never beore encountered.

In the past the Senate may have been slow in response, but since I have
served my short time in the Senate, it has semed to me that they are a
responsible group, worthy of their position, clear and concise in their
views and can make rapid decisions should the necessity arise, and
should the situation be explained sufficiently.

The young man of whom you speak, has evidenced an interest in NR and a
skill which is very laudable. His continued involvement on the Onelist
and the items to be addressed by NR in the coming year, will confirm
that even more. If he desires such, I have a place for him in the last
proposal that I have made to the Citizens of NR and to the Consuls,
where he can show his stuff, get a good grounding in Nova Roma itself as
well as contact with many of those in NR who have demonstrated a
detailed knowledge of both political and religious activities. When his
contempoaries, fellow workers, magisrates et alli believe him to be
ready for his name to be put before the Senate as a result of
demonstrated activities dealing with interest in NR, maturity, and
willingness to "stay the course" than I personnaly will bring the
pettition before the Senate / Consuls based on the reports and support
for that action.

Senator, and Pro-Praetor Ericius, I respond thusly to your remarks of
like nature, because in a few items our views differ, but I wish to
certify at this time I have no better friend and steadfast supporter
than the good Senator in NR, and I value his friendship and strength of
character extremely.

Vale; Senator and Pro-Praetor Ericius and Citizens of NR;
Very Respectfully;
Marcus Minucius Audens;
Praetor et Senator;
Candidate For Consul

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

Subject: Re: ATTN: Change to the Lex Crylla de prorogandis magistratibus
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 06:23:32 -0800

I have a question, even though I am a Patrician, what if no Plebian Senator
wants to serve in those capacities?

Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Antonio Grilo wrote:

> From: "Antonio Grilo" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=243232178003185091033082" >amg@--------</a>
> Salvete cives
> As pointed out by Consul Palladius, the Lex Crylla de prorogandis
> magistratibus simply confirms the powers already assigned to the Senate in
> the Constitution. Nevertheless, this is not enough.
> The plebeians have the right to two Tribuni Plebis and two Aediles Plebis.
> In case there are no candidates to occupy these positions, the senate MUST
> guarantee the rights of the plebeians by appointing its members as needed.
> Lex Crylla de prorogandis magistratibus is removed from the ballot and
> changed to the following (I'm going to insert only the English version. The
> Latin version will be included as well in the Aerarium if the lex is
> approved)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Lex Crylla de securandis magistratus plebis
> If no candidates for Tribunus Plebis or Aedilis Plebis declare in December,
> the Senate must provide for those magistrates by either of the following
> methods:
> - By extending by one year the term of the magistrate serving in that
> office,
> with the consent of that magistrate, or
> - By appointing senators to serve the required magistrate positions.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Valete omnes
> Antonius Gryllus Graecus

Subject: [Fwd: New Domain for Late Roman Group]
From: Megas-Rob--------n <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=243232178182078116015056190036129" >amgunn@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 17:19:10 -0800
Avete Omnes!

Thought this post might be of interest.

Valete - Venator, Cives- Paterfamilias - Quaestor - Dominus Sodalis
The End of the Roman Age Society (ERA) now has it's own domain and new look
website on:

<a href="" target="_top" ></a>

We are also hosting the information on the Old Sarum event for next year.


Subject: Re: Comments on the Contra Corneliam legem -
From: "Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 18:33:51 -0500
Salvete Fabi et alii

Obviously, the fact that one person may not care who knows his name,
address, date of birth et cetera has absolutely no bearing on the importance
of safeguarding that information for the rest of us. It's a little
disconcerting to hear a candidate for consul even mention in passing selling
citizens' information.

Of course we need to meet and arrange local events -- and we are doing that.
There is nothing especially difficult about asking each other for telephone
numbers and addresses to arrange specific get-togethers, is there?

Consul Sulla is doing a good thing by putting this issue before the forum.
I disagree with his law in its current form, but the intent of it, to
establish guidelines to protect confidential information, is worthy of our


C Marius Merullus

:From: <--------ef="/post/nov----------------otectID=246157057089235135169082190036" >SFP55@--------</--------;
:Gentlemen, I'm confused (a new state for me) about this privacy issue. Do
:actually believe that someone is going to be selling our list of citizens
:direct mailing organizations for money?
:As far as I can tell, the only people in this organization who has access
:the these lists are with mundane names and addresses are the Censores and
:Scribus of the letter.
:In all the other organizations I've have belonged throughout the world
:EVERYBODY has access to names and address of one another. Why? Because we
:need to communicate. That's WHY we join organizations like this, to MEET
:people with like interests. If there is one place Nova Roma has FAILED to
:accomplish anything, is in making communication easier not harder. Yes, I
:know all about Roman Days, but that is on the East Coast. We need a
:location for us US members to meet, a central location for European members
:to meet. We also need to have a FACE to FACE gathering of the Senate at
:least once a year. We need to work on these problems. We are an Internet
:micronation which has its limitations. We need to start removing some of
:those, if this organization will grow and prosper.
:We don't need this Lex. Vote no against it. Let's concentrate on making
:Nova Roma more concentrated, rather then diluting it!
:Q Fabius Maximus
:Curule Aedile

Subject: the Lex Privitas de Rebus
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 16:03:35 -0800
Salvete Omnes

I just wanted to inform everyone that the text for this lex has been changed. However, since I am at work, I dont have access of the Lex to repost it to the list with off of the changes. When I get home this evening, 12:30 am, I will post it to the List.

L. Cornelius Sulla

Subject: Uxbridge Gathering RSVP
From: Jenn--------nt <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029233253185018190112158203026129208071" >moonloon@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 19:37:59 -0500

I just wanted to remind everyone who is planning to attend the Nova
Brittania gathering in Uxbridge next weekend to make your reservations at
the Quaker Motor Lodge now, if you haven't already done so. Could we maybe
have a show of hands as to who's going to be attending? (Partly out of
curiousity, partly because I don't want to be surprised with a much larger
crowd than we'd thought would show.)

I have reserved the meeting room from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (they're somewhat
flexible on this), with the caveat that people may want to use the ice and
soda machines in the room. Burning a candle or two or a stick of incense
for any prayer/ritual is acceptable. We may not use the fireplace/stove --
it's not a working fireplace. Did I mention, by the way, that there's an
eagle medalion hanging over the entrance to the meeting room? :-)

Again, if anyone needs directions or wants a place to stay Friday night or
wants to visit at my house (about 15 miles south just off Route 146) on
Sunday, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. So far, no one has RSVP'd, so I'm not
expecting anyone. Let me know if you're planning to visit as soon as
possible so that I can get some grub together. I'm no Marta Stewart, but I
have a pretty good recipe for lasagne rolls, if y'all are up for it on
Sunday afternoon. :-)

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone who can make it!

Jenni Hunt, a/k/a Iulia Ovidia Luna
<a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029233253185018190112158203026129208071" >moonloon@--------</a>
Pontifex, Nova Roma
Sola Romana in Rhoda Insula (et tamen amica bovorum)

Look for me on ICQ (#488714) and/or AIM (Mooonloon)

Subject: Re: Honors, Caesar, the election, et al.
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 17:46:51 -0800
Good, Minucius, fellow citizens, I was, and am speaking as a Citizen.
That is the senior rank of anyone in a free society. If one am not to
be listened to when one speaks as a citizen then it matters not what
other titles one does or does not have other than The Boss. If I were
speaking in the course of my duties, or in the position of being one
of the offices that I have, I would refer to the hat I was wearing. I
might have cited some of my background in studying human behavior in
the classroom, the library and the field, but I had hoped my words
would speak would say what I wanted to. I've always been one to try
to shed light on the corners of the party line. Unfortunately it
usually has the same results.

So far as people not voting. Well, I will now give one of my personal
views, not the studied, objective analytical ones that I gave in my
first post. If they don't want to vote, then I think they should
not. Such people then bestow more Power to the votes of people like
you, Sulla, Fabius, Serena, Cassia, et al. (including my irrelevant
self). People who do not vote have given their votes to those of us
who do. They can complain all they want. But until they exercise
their franchise along with their vocal cords, it is just more
background noise. [ does this suit the hard liners? ]

C. Aelius Ericius.
Citizen and Voter.

Subject: Re: Uxbridge Gathering RSVP
From: "Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 20:55:05 -0500
Salvete Luna et alii

I have a reservation at the hotel for Friday and Saturday night. I'll be
there unless my condition deteriorates (I have felt like Death warmed over
for several days - a nasty stomach thing, probably not eating enough garlic


C Marius Merullus

:From: Jenn--------nt <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029233253185018190112158203026129208071" >moonloon@--------</a>
Could we maybe
:have a show of hands as to who's going to be attending? (Partly out of
:curiousity, partly because I don't want to be surprised with a much larger
:crowd than we'd thought would show.)
:I'm looking forward to meeting everyone who can make it!

Me too.

Subject: Re: Uxbridge Gathering RSVP
From: Decius Iunius Palladius <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=243232219108127031050199203252129208071" >amcgrath@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 23:32:35 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Jenni Hunt wrote:

> From: Jenn--------nt <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029233253185018190112158203026129208071" >moonloon@--------</a>
> Valete!
> I just wanted to remind everyone who is planning to attend the Nova
> Brittania gathering in Uxbridge next weekend to make your reservations at
> the Quaker Motor Lodge now, if you haven't already done so. Could we maybe
> have a show of hands as to who's going to be attending?


I will be attending all day Saturday. I will not be there Sunday, however.


Decius Iunius Palladius

Subject: Sulla's Candidacy
From: "Flavius Vedius Germa--------s" <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=123056091213158116036102228219114090071048139" >germa--------s@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 23:36:05 -0500
Salvete Omnes,

With our regular elections upcoming, I wanted to offer my unconditional
endorsement of the candidacy of Lucius Cornelius Sulla for the office of
Censor. Although he is running unopposed, I would still urge everyone to
cast a vote in his favor as a gesture of support. Although he has had some
rough patches in his early history with Nova Roma, I believe that his more
recent behavior has been exemplary. He has shown himself to be a true
servant of the People, and ready and willing to act in service to the

I heartily endorse his candidacy for Censor, and look forward to serving
with him in the coming year.


Flavius Vedius Germanicus,

Subject: Praedicatio Mariae gentis
From: "Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 23:37:28 -0500
Salvete omnes

Vt omnes Sextum Marium Australem acceptum in Mariam gentem esse sciant Eum
firmaturum nostram Rem Publicam esse confido

This is to inform everyone that Sextus Marius Australis has joined gens
I believe that he will strengthen our Republic.


C Marius Merullus
Mariae gentis

Subject: Re: Re: Comments on the Contra Corneliam legem -
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 21:56:49 -0800

Actually I believe it is a needed law, if for no reason than to clarify
sources of information and how to get them. Earlier this year, this issue
came before us, and it was precisely because of that situation this lex was
conceived. Remember, most laws are not enacted on a whim, but on
experience. And, it was through our experience that Gaius Marius Merullus,
Decius Iunius and myself came up with this. This law is necessary and the
revision that will be published today, I believe will be reasonable and
workable for all level of magistrates. Also, we need to reassure the People
that their information that they have given to our Censors will not be
available to every person who asks.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla
----- Original Message -----
From: <--------ef="/post/nov----------------otectID=246157057089235135169082190036" >SFP55@--------</--------;
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Re: Comments on the Contra Corneliam legem -

> From: <--------ef="/post/nov----------------otectID=246157057089235135169082190036" >SFP55@--------</--------;
> In a message dated 12/4/99 3:46:09 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a> writes:
> Salvete Fabi et alii
> >> Obviously, the fact that one person may not care who knows his name,
> address, date of birth et cetera has absolutely no bearing on the
> of safeguarding that information for the rest of us. It's a little
> disconcerting to hear a candidate for consul even mention in passing
> citizens' information. >>
> Salve Gaius Marius Merullus!
> Exactly my point. This is unneeded law. We are not going to be selling
> addresses anywere.
> Vale
> Q. Fabius.
> >

Subject: Re: Praedicatio Mariae gentis
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 22:23:50 -0800
Congrats to the new Gens Member....and welcome to Nova Roma. Hope to see
you in the Taverna!

Lucius Cornelius Sulla
----- Original Message -----
From: Gaius Marius Merullus <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a>
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Cc: <a --------="/post/novaroma?protectID=114128020056127182169154055248244208071048" >dlierkamp@--------</a>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: [novaroma] Praedicatio Mariae gentis

> From: "Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a>
> Salvete omnes
> Vt omnes Sextum Marium Australem acceptum in Mariam gentem esse sciant
> firmaturum nostram Rem Publicam esse confido
> This is to inform everyone that Sextus Marius Australis has joined gens
> Maria.
> I believe that he will strengthen our Republic.
> Valete
> C Marius Merullus
> paterfamilias
> Mariae gentis
> >

Subject: Lex Cornelia de Privatis Rebus
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 19:15:23 -0800
Salvete Omnes!

Here is the latest revision of the Lex and this is the copy that will be
posted in the Cista. I want to publically thank Gaius Marius Murellus,
Decius Iunius and Marcus Municius Audens for their help in the

Lex Cornelia de Privatis Rebus

Confidential information will consist of the following:

- information obtained directly from persons applying for citizenship on
the application for citizenship
- information on the e-mail address list that can be obtained from
- subscription lists from the Eagle newsletter

"Directly" in this law means that the citizen or applicant himself
voluntarily communicates the information to its recipient; "indirectly"
means communication of citizens' confidential information by any other

Censores, Curator Differum and Curator Sermonum are to be the only
individuals who have access to this information. However, in the event
that another magistrate may need some of the information, s/he is either
to obtain such information directly from the citizens' whose information
s/he seeks, or apply to the Censores to obtain that information

Only magistrates, or their lawfully appointed assistants, of Nova Roma
may receive confidential information from the censores, except in the
case of a other formal request for such information from a law
enforcement agent or other non-Nova Roman entity empowered under
municipal law. In the event of such an extra-Nova Roma formal request,
citizens whose information is sought are to be notified of all
circumstances relevant to the request. All other indirect transmission
or communication of Nova Roman citizens' confidential information is
strictly prohibited.

In the case of a consular application to the censores for confidential
information, refusal entitles the applying consul to require of the
censores full public disclosure, excluding any specific confidential
information as defined within this law, of the reasoning for the
refusal. Such disclosure is to be posted to the Nova Roma e-mail list
and message board within 24 hours of the applying consul's request. In
addition to the above, if a magistrate is denied information by the
censors, he shall have the recourse of an appeal to the senate who will
have the power to override the censors' denial by a two thirds majority

Lucius Cornelius Sulla