Subject: Oath of Office
From: Gail and Thomas Gangale gangale@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 06:26:51 -0700 (PDT)
Salvete, Quirites.

I, Marcus Martianus Gangalius do hereby solemnly swear to uphold the honor
of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of the people and the
Senate of Nova Roma.

As a magistrate of Nova Roma, I, Marcus Martianus Gangalius swear to do
honor to the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings, and to pursue
the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.

I, Marcus Martianus Gangalius further swear to fulfill the obligations and
responsibilities of the office of Aedelis Curule to the best of my abilities.

On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the Gods and
Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the
position of Aedelis Curule and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and
responsibilities attendant thereto.


Quirites, I am honored to have been appointed by the Senate, and it will be
a privilege to serve the People. I give thanks to our esteemed Consul,
Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus, for placing my name before the Senate, and to
all Citizens who have wished me well in this new office.

I note with interest that my appointment comes as Mars makes his closest
approach to Earth. There are no coincidences. Mars has always guided me,
has always been my inspiration and strength. In my natal chart, all the
planets crowd into one hemisphere, save one: Mars stands alone, directing
the power of all the other planets.

At this time, another oath that I took years ago comes to mind: the one I
took upon being commissioned as an officer of the United States Air Force.
I would like to adapt that oath to this occasion as a further affirmation of
my office as Aedilis Curule of Nova Roma.

I, Marcus Martianus Gangalius, do solemnly swear that I will support and
defend the Constitution of Nova Roma against all enemies, foreign and
domestic, that I bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take
this obligation freely, without reservation or purpose of evasion, and that
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I
am about to enter, so help me Mars.

Mars Novam Romam sanctifica!

Roma Resurgens!

Vivat Nova Roma!

Ave Roma Immortalis!

Roma Aeterna est!

May the Gods preserve the Senate and People of Nova Roma!

Marcus Martianus Gangalius

At 06:18 PM 4/20/99 -0400, Lucius wrote:
>Salvete Omnes Quirites
> I am pleased to announce that the Senate has voted to appoint
>Marcus Martianus Gangalius to one of the vacant Curule Aedile positions.
> Marcus Martianus has done a wonderful job helping with the website and
has also provided us with a 'virtual' Temple of Mars.
> He will continue to work on the site as a colleague of Senator Flavius
>I hope you will all join me in offering congratulations and support to
> Curule Aedile Marcus Martianus Gangalius.
>On behalf of the Senate
>Valete, Consul Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus
Tom and Gail Gangale
<a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=123166234108158153184218249036129208" >gangale@--------</a>
<a href="" target="_top" ></a>
Mars Society California
The Martian Time Web Site
The Martian Ministry of Culture
Bunny Hill (and Catsville Too)
The National Primary System
World GenWeb Calabria

Subject: Re: Oath of Office
From: <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029176066112038190112158203026129208071" >m--------oon@--------</a>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 06:18:00 -0500 (CDT)
On 04/21/99 06:26:51 you wrote:
>From: Gail and Thomas Gangale <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=123166234108158153184218249036129208" >gangale@--------</a>
>Salvete, Quirites.
>I, Marcus Martianus Gangalius do hereby solemnly swear to uphold the honor
>of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of the people and the
>Senate of Nova Roma.

Ita est!

Welcome to the wonderful world of NR government, Marcus Martianus!
I know you'll do a great job (why should you do any different NOW?)

We all look forward to working with you in your new office.

-- Flavia Claudia

Subject: Re: Senate appointment
From: Thomas Gangale TGangale@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 06:42:41 -0700
Salve, Venator.

Thank you for your good wishes. I look forward to working with you in our
official capacities.

I will upload an expansion of the Temple of Tyr as soon as the Crosswinds
server will let me in (they're currently in the middle of an upgrade). I
will welcome comments and contributions of information. In keeping with the
Roma Antiqua's legacy of religious freedom, the Basilica will be accessible
from the Temple of Tyr, and invocations to Mars's Nordic cousin will be


-----Original Message-----
From: Megas-Rob--------n [ma--------:<a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=243232178182078116015056190036129" >amgunn@--------</a>]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 4:29 PM
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Subject: [novaroma] Re: Senate appointment

From: Megas-Rob--------n <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=243232178182078116015056190036129" >amgunn@--------</a>

Salve Marcus Martianus Gangalius! Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!

I look forward to your continueing contributions, and wish to thank you
publically for the Temple of Tyr which compliments those you have erected to
Mars and Ares.

In Amicus et Fidelis - Piperbarbus Ullerius Venator, Quaestor, Dominus
Sodalis et Cives - Roma Res Publica Resurgans!

Did you know that ONElist hosts some of the largest lists on the Internet?
<a href="" target="_top" ></a>
Our scaleable system is the most reliable free e-mail service on the

Subject: Posted in the Forum
From: SFP55@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 12:18:46 EDT
Chariot Primer.

At 12:00 PM PDT (Noon) The first in a series of Chariot Races will be held at
the new Arena/Circus. <a href="" target="_top" ></a>.

As before the race is "run" with miniatures. Each player will control a
chariot. Rules are that anything goes as long as you win.
Horses may be bashed, whipped and impeded.
Drivers may be whipped, jostled and pulled out of their cars.

There are 6 factions. White, Blue, Green, Red, Purple (reddish brown), &
Yellow (golden brown.)
Factions usually operated in teams. Purpose of teams was to watch one
another's back, while racing. The most famous was the Greens. They were a
true plebeian faction.

Today's Race.
Odds 7/2 Yellow 1
2/1 Yellow 2
4/1 White 1
6/1 Red 1
3/1 Red 2
2/1 Green 1
3/2 Blue 1
Odds are based on Horse team speed, driver abilities, and records.

Hope to see you at the Circus!!

Subject: Ave Roma
From: "Lucius" vergil@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:09:47 -0400
Salvete Quirites,

AVE Romam et Felicem Dies Natalis! MMDCCII AUC
Roma Resurgens!

Vivat Nova Roma!

Ave Roma Immortalis!

Roma Aeterna est!

May the Gods preserve the Senate and People of Nova Roma!
Senatum Populumque Novae Romae Dei Servent

Subject: Re: Ave Roma
From: legion6@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:27:02 -0500 (CDT)
Salvete, Quirites...

This is the intro text for my homepage, if/when I ever upload it (I
have very much writing to do yet, and not so much time as I had in
college back in '95 when I started it...) Anyhow, I thought it would
be appropriate to the Anniversary, so here goes:

A. U. C.--Ab Urbe Condita

Ab Urbe Condita: From the Foundation of the City, the idea of Rome has
held a certain fascination for the human mind, and has had a profound
influence on almost every aspect of human activity. Scholars and
pundits are still trying to explain the City's dramatic rise, the
Empire's sustained prosperity, the whole civilization's catastrophic
collapse. Artists and poets have found inspiration about equally in
Rome's glory and in Her ruins; authors of works from opera librettos to
science-fiction trilogies have borrowed Roman themes, motifs and
experiences and presented them in new dress.

*This site is the work of an unabashed Roman enthusiast.* It documents
the ripples Rome has made in one single life; in so doing, it stands as
a tribute to nearly three thousand years of continuity, and may perhaps
serve to demonstrate the depth and variety of the Roman influence.

Why I'm doing this:
The Romans have been given a bad rap in this country, especially by
Hollywood. There is so much more to their story than _Ben Hur_ and
_Spartacus_; so much more to it than Gibbon's _Decline and Fall_.
*Before* Rome fell, She had existed for twelve hundred years; and for a
large part of that time She governed a world in which, to quote Stephen
Vincent Benet, "a man might walk from the East to the West because of
it--yes, and speak the same tongue all the way."

For fifteen hundred years the Roman Peace has been seen by many as the
pinnacle of human achievement; in all of history, with all of its
flaws, this is as together as we ever got.

That is why, all this time later, we still talk about the Romans as if
they mattered. They do. They matter to a Europe seeking to recreate
those lost centuries of unity; they matter to a United States perplexed
by its role as the world's policeman; they matter, above all, to those
of us concerned with intercultural relationships. The Romans had a lot
of practice at this. They spread their own culture while adapting to
and learning from societies all over Europe, North Africa and the
Middle East. Somehow they made it all hang together, maybe more by
accident than by design...

...yet it's hard to escape the possibility that maybe (just *maybe*)
they were doing something RIGHT.

***** Places to Be, or, My Roman Life *****
[These are the sections into which the site will be divided, and the
things I plan to put there]

Roman Antiquities: History, society, culture and daily life. Good
scholarship and homebrewed Latin lessons.

Creative Research: My personal Roman projects and pursuits. Stories,
essays, artwork, and other useful stuff.

Historical Re-creation: Historical reenactment groups, live wargamers,
live role-players, and the occasional lost Legionary at the Renaissance
Faire (that's me). Did you ever think Western Civ. could be this fun?

Role-playing Games: How to adapt your _Advanced Dungeons and
Dragons_(tm), _GURPS_(tm), _Champions/Hero System_(tm), or other RPG to
a Roman setting. Lots of my GM Specials here for the picking, and even
a module or two.

Resources: Where to get lots of cool Roman stuff.

Imperium BBS: An invitation to meet with fellow Roman enthusiasts.
(I'm *not* the only one crazy enough to be doing this jazz!)

Felices Dies Natalis, Roma Mater!! ROMA RESURGENS!!!
__________ _<~) __________
<-\\\\@@@@@) /##\ (@@@@@////-> Märia Villarroel <a href="/po--------ovaroma?protectID=034056178009193116148218000036129208" >legion6@--------</a>
<-\\\@@@@(#####@@@@///-> Historical Re-Creationist
<-\\\*##*///-> and Citizen of Rome
o---<<<<||SPQR||>>>>---o Latin lessons, History lectures
///\\\ Role-playing Games, too!

aka Lucius Marius Fimbria on the weekends

Subject: Re: Ave Roma Celebration.
From: SFP55@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:01:32 EDT
n a message dated 4/21/99 9:18:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, SFP55 writes:

<< At 4:00 PM PDT 3 hours later on the east coast The first in a series of
Chariot Races celebrating NR's feast day will be held at the new
Arena/Circus. <a href="" target="_top" ></a>.

As before the race is "run" with miniatures. Each player will control a
chariot. Rules are that anything goes as long as you win.
Horses may be bashed, whipped and impeded.
Drivers may be whipped, jostled and pulled out of their cars.

There are 6 factions. White, Blue, Green, Red, Purple (reddish brown), &
Yellow (golden brown.)
Factions usually operated in teams. Purpose of teams was to watch one
another's back, while racing. The most famous was the Greens. They were a
true plebeian faction.

Today's Race.
Odds 7/2 Yellow 1
2/1 Yellow 2
4/1 White 1
6/1 Red 1
3/1 Red 2
2/1 Green 1
3/2 Blue 1
Odds are based on Horse team speed, driver abilities, and records.

Hope to see you at the Circus!! >>

Subject: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: "Flavius Vedius Germanicus" jkbloch@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:09:46 -0400
Salvete Omnes:

It seems as if Patricia Cassia overstepped her authority when she bestowed
the administration of the web site upon me (without dissent, even if no vote
was taken, in the Senate). Thus, all the changes I had made and the changes
I had begun to make were out-of-bounds. Specifically regarding the webteam
concept, Consul Cincinnatus recently let me know:

"The "web team" was something you created and is not a part of Nova Roma."

I'm sure we all wait anxiously for the announcement of Consul Cincinnatus'
choice to administer the web site. Like all his other accomplishments to
date, I'm sure it will do much to make Nova Roma a better place.



Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla alexious@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:20:23 -0700

It is my humble opinion that we let Germanicus go forth and upgrade our
website. Let our Co-Founder, and original web designer continue making the Nova
Roma Site better. It is unfortuante that we have to have this much beaucratic
red tape interfere with progress. I know Germanicus will do a great job, he has
done it in the past. P.Cassia is an elected Quaestor and such has her own
responsibilites that she must fulfill. Besides, its April, Doesn't Consul
Palladius hold the Fasces?

Just my 2 cents.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Praetor Urbanus

> From: "Flavius V--------s G--------nicus" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=045202250078193194170218163036129208" >jkbloch@--------</a>
> Salvete Omnes:
> It seems as if Patricia Cassia overstepped her authority when she bestowed
> the administration of the web site upon me (without dissent, even if no vote
> was taken, in the Senate). Thus, all the changes I had made and the changes
> I had begun to make were out-of-bounds. Specifically regarding the webteam
> concept, Consul Cincinnatus recently let me know:

> "The "web team" was something you created and is not a part of Nova Roma."
> I'm sure we all wait anxiously for the announcement of Consul Cincinnatus'
> choice to administer the web site. Like all his other accomplishments to
> date, I'm sure it will do much to make Nova Roma a better place.
> Valete,
> Germanicus
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Looking for the perfect gift for a friend?
> <a href="" target="_top" ></a>
> Tell them about ONElist's 115,000 free e-mail communities!

Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: Dexippus@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:47:37 EDT
Is this meant to be sarcastic and biting? Priscilla, you have something to
say about that?


<< It seems as if Patricia Cassia overstepped her authority when she bestowed
the administration of the web site upon me (without dissent, even if no vote
was taken, in the Senate). Thus, all the changes I had made and the changes
I had begun to make were out-of-bounds. Specifically regarding the webteam
concept, Consul Cincinnatus recently let me know:

"The "web team" was something you created and is not a part of Nova Roma."

I'm sure we all wait anxiously for the announcement of Consul Cincinnatus'
choice to administer the web site. Like all his other accomplishments to
date, I'm sure it will do much to make Nova Roma a better place.

Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: Dexippus@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:49:59 EDT
In a message dated 4/21/99 4:28:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
<a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a> writ--------br>
<< It is my humble opinion that we let Germanicus go forth and upgrade our
website. Let our Co-Founder, and original web designer continue making the
Roma Site better. It is unfortuante that we have to have this much
red tape interfere with progress. I know Germanicus will do a great job, he
done it in the past. P.Cassia is an elected Quaestor and such has her own
responsibilites that she must fulfill. Besides, its April, Doesn't Consul
Palladius hold the Fasces?

Makes no difference to I'm used to saying in my job, "Just get it


Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding: Germanicus' vision
From: SFP55@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:51:32 EDT
In a message dated 4/21/99 1:28:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
<a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a> writ--------br>
<< I'm sure we all wait anxiously for the announcement of Consul Cincinnatus'
> choice to administer the web site. Like all his other accomplishments to
> date, I'm sure it will do much to make Nova Roma a better place. >>
I think this sums up exactly what is wrong with NR. We do have laws in
place, but these seem to hinder rather then help NR.
If the Co-Founder and member of the Senate wishes to form a webteam with he
as the head, well I have to defer to the man and his vision. After all,
citizens of Rome, were would we be today without this man's vision? Still
chasing sheep I'd have no doubt.
Q. Fabius Maximus

Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: "Lucius" vergil@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 17:09:34 -0400
Salvete, Quirites
>It is my humble opinion that we let Germanicus go forth and upgrade our
>website. Let our Co-Founder, and original web designer continue making the
>Roma Site better. It is unfortuante that we have to have this much
>red tape interfere with progress. I know Germanicus will do a great job,
he has
>done it in the past. P.Cassia is an elected Quaestor and such has her own
>responsibilites that she must fulfill. Besides, its April, Doesn't Consul
>Palladius hold the Fasces?
>Just my 2 cents.
>Lucius Cornelius Sulla
>Praetor Urbanus
WOW it only took you five minutes to make up your mind exactly what is going
AND without hearing from anyone else too!
No one has taken anything from "CO-Founder" Germanicus (Haven't been able to
find that Magistracy listed anywhere yet) his problem stems from the fact
that he wants to run the site alone. The Consules (Decius Iunius and I )
feel that we would best be served by having two ( Just like all the other
positions) so that if one is unavailable the other is (hopefully) available,
so we don't have to go months without the site being updated.

>> From: "Flavius V--------s G--------nicus" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=045202250078193194170218163036129208" >jkbloch@--------</a>
>> Salvete Omnes:
>> It seems as if Patricia Cassia overstepped her authority when she
>> the administration of the web site upon me (without dissent, even if no
>> was taken, in the Senate). Thus, all the changes I had made and the
>> I had begun to make were out-of-bounds. Specifically regarding the
>> concept, Consul Cincinnatus recently let me know:
>> "The "web team" was something you created and is not a part of Nova
>> I'm sure we all wait anxiously for the announcement of Consul
>> choice to administer the web site. Like all his other accomplishments to
>> date, I'm sure it will do much to make Nova Roma a better place.
>> Valete, Germanicus

NICE edit job! care to fill in the rest??
Curule Aedile Marcus Martianus Gangalius is to be his colleague.
Anyone have a problem with that? However Marcus does not have Front Page 98,
something that Germanicus used to change the site and there seems to have
been some confusion about compatibility.

Valete, Consul Lucius Equitius

Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: Dexippus@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 17:14:24 EDT
In a m--------g--------t--------/21/99 5:09:45 PM East--------Daylight Tim--------lt;a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=081056091108082153015038190036129" >v--------l@--------</a>

<< No one has taken anything from "CO-Founder" Germanicus (Haven't been able
find that Magistracy listed anywhere yet) his problem stems from the fact
that he wants to run the site alone. The Consules (Decius Iunius and I )
feel that we would best be served by having two ( Just like all the other
positions) so that if one is unavailable the other is (hopefully) available,
so we don't have to go months without the site being updated. >>

Well it does make sense to have 2 share the position. I'm always leary of
one person in charge of anything.

<<Curule Aedile Marcus Martianus Gangalius is to be his colleague.
Anyone have a problem with that? >> problem here!


Subject: Website Maintainance
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla alexious@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 15:08:12 -0700

Lucius wrote:

> WOW it only took you five minutes to make up your mind exactly what is
> on!
> AND without hearing from anyone else too!

But of course, I responded off of an e-mail from our Senator, and
Lucius. Besides, I wasnt being insulting to anyone, why are you
behaving so to me? I am just voicing my opinion as a citizen.

> No one has taken anything from "CO-Founder" Germanicus (Haven't been
able to
> find that Magistracy listed anywhere yet) his problem stems from the
> that he wants to run the site alone.

Well, thats correct the Co-Founder isn't a magistracy, it is a token of
respect. You know as well as almost anyone that Germanicus and I do not
along that well, yet, I do respect his position, and I respect him as a
He has done great things for Nova Roma. And, no one is perfect.

> The Consules (Decius Iunius and I ) feel that we would best be served
> having two ( Just like all the other positions) so that if one is
> the other is (hopefully) available, so we don't have to go months
without the
> site being updated.

Thats understandable, Germanicus only cited you as a point of
reference. My
question then is will the Web Moderator be considered a Magistrate? If
so what
position would be covered under it? And, how will that work if they are
elected during this year?

But I do have a Question? The Website has been run by one person up
till now. Why the change by you and your esteemed colleague? Wouldnt
it be prudent, and wise to wait to see if the honored co-founder can
handle the job alone, before sticking him with a helper. Since he has
done an admirable job in the past. In that way we dont create more
beaucracy than is absolutely necessary.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Subject: Closing Speech of the Games
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla alexious@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:40:43 -0700
Here is the closing speech that I read at the games today, unfortuantely
there were problems with BeSeen, so I decided to post it here for
everyone to see.


Salvete Quirites,

It is a great pleasure to be able to address you in this venue. And, in

this speech I will be brief. First, let me thank our Plebian Aedile,
Graecus and Q.Fabius for assisting in the production of these games.
Also, let me thank My G-d and the Gods of the State for allowing me the
opportunity to address this assebly. Finally, let me thank you, for
the opportunity to speak to you in a candid manner. This is a very
auspicous time, the anniversary of the founding our Rome. In light of
the anniversary of the founding of Rome, I want to inform you that there

is much to be thankful about. Our state is growing, currently over 250
citizens. Legislation is being drafted and debated within the Senate.
My collegue and I are communicating in the hope that we will be able to
establish some edicts and propose more legislation for the Senate to
consider. Also, the establishment of various Sodalicums are progressing

to the point that Amethyst Iunia Crystallina's proposed Sodalica has won

4 awards! Currently, I am working with my fiancee Augustina Iulia
Caesaria, and Crys in the formation and initial drafting of Nova Roma's
first Collegium (sp). Progress is being made in almost every avenue of
Nova Roma. While much work is still needed, we are accomplishing the
tasks that are necessary. It has been a long road for Nova Roma, and I
am confident that we will survive and grow to be a great nation, as
great as our ancestors! Together, we all can make this happen. May the

Gods continue to bless our nation with good luck and fortune!

Valete Omnes

Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Praetor Urbanus

Subject: Bona Natalis Roma Aeterna!
From: Anita Megas amgunn@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 19:05:25 -0500
Salvete Omnes!

I say Thee One and All, Thrice Hail to the City Eternal!

Though our cultural ancestors were deadly adversaries, I have found friends
amongst the Romans of the New City.

So I say again, Thrice Hail to the City Eternal!

Vertu Saell Allir - Piparskegg UllRsson also called Pi. Ullerius Venator

Subject: Quae leges was Re: Web Site Misunderstanding: Germanicus' vision
From: "Gaius Marius Merullus" rmerullo@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 21:19:42 -0400
Salvete Fabi et alii

No, actually we have only one law, the constitution. I don't dispute that
there is a Nova Roma bureacracy, but it's existence cannot be blamed on...or
explained by laws.


Gaius Marius Merullus

:From: <--------ef="/post/nov----------------otectID=246157057089235135169082190036" >SFP55@--------</--------;

:I think this sums up exactly what is wrong with NR. We do have laws in
:place, but these seem to hinder rather then help NR.
:Q. Fabius Maximus
:Did you know that knowledge is power?
:<a href="" target="_top" ></a>
:Join a new ONElist e-mail community and strengthen your mind!

Subject: Re: Ave Roma
From: missmoon@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:47:32 -0500 (CDT)
On 04/21/99 13:27:02 you wrote:
>From: <a href="/po--------ovaroma?protectID=034056178009193116148218000036129208" >legion6@--------</a>
>Salvete, Quirites...
>This is the intro text for my homepage, if/when I ever upload it (I
>have very much writing to do yet, and not so much time as I had in
>college back in '95 when I started it...) Anyhow, I thought it would
>be appropriate to the Anniversary, so here goes:
You really put a lot of good work into this!
I hope you get your page uploaded soon, because I'd sure like to visit it!

-- Flavia Claudia

Subject: Re: Web Site Misunderstanding
From: BenBorgo@--------
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 23:30:12 EDT
Salve Romanii!

Just a few thoughts on the matter......

First of all, why the big fuss? I gather from the site itself
that Germanicus had run the whole thing by himself, and for quite some time.
Why not let him resume these duties? It certainly seems that he would be the
most logical choice. Furthermore, I didn't get the impression that he wanted
to take on this task alone. Didn't anyone see his post asking for help? It
looked as if he had a concrete plan for the division of responsibilities on
the site, and the situation seemed to be under control. Furthermore this
doesn't mirror the position of a magistrate. There is no power, only
reponsibilities (& probably quite a few of them.) However if everyone feels
the need for Germanicus to have a colleague, I believe Gangalius to be an
exceptional choice (anyone see his website...I was impressed.)
As for co-founder being a magistrate, it definatly is not, but the respect we
should pay unto our own 'Romulus and Remus' shouldn't ever fall below that of
the honor we give to our magistrates and Senators. Personally (though I don't
know him) I admire Germanicus (and Cassius) for the ambition it took to found
our Republic and the audacity it most likely took for him to 'stick with it'
and nurture our Republic as it grew. I hope no one frustrated him into NOT
wanting to maintain the site, as he seems one of the most qualified and
knowledgeable candidates, & he would probably not only meet the standards he
has set for himself, but would(hopefully) exceed them.

Gnaeus Tarquinius Caesar
Paterfamilias gens Tarquinii