I , Tiberius Galerius Paulinus humbly come before you to ask for your support
and vote for the office of Praetor. I have asked for and received your support
three times in the past and I ask for it again. I have had the honor of serving
you as Curator Differium, Quaestor, and this year as Tribune. While no
magistrate or even an anti-magistrate like the Tribune, can please every citizen
with every action or even with inaction, I believe that I have held your offices
in trust and have given them back to you with the luster still intact and even

I am 47 years old, and I have been a citizen of Nova Roma since the 21st day of
the Ianuarius 2755. I am employed as a teacher in the macro world , teaching
government and history in Mediatlantica Provincia. I have the honor of serving
our Junior Consul Gnaeus Equitius Marinus as a Legate in his capacity as

I had pledged to you to work as diligently as a Tribune as I did as Curator
Differum. And I believe I have, and with one goal in mind, service to Rome and
her people. I have worked to be the "peoples" guardian and will continue to
serve Rome as Praetor. I was prepared to pronounce intercessio when the spirit
and/or letter of the Constitution or laws were violated even when I knew I stood
alone. I will continue to be diligent in my defense of Nova Roman law , her
constitution and of her people. I will continue my study of Nova Roma, her
institutions and her laws. I have faithfully attend the sessions of the Senate
and have, along with my colleagues keep the people informed of it comings and
goings to the fullest extent permitted by law. I will, along with my, colleague,
administer the law in a judicial and unbiased manner and will monitor the main
list of Nova Roma in the same way.

I worked closely with Consul Gnaeus Equitius Marinus in co-writing , two
constitutional amendments that in one case brought clarity to a section of the
constitution that was silent at a time that we needed answers. The Lex Equitia
Galeria de Ordinariis allows for the removal of missing magistrates so that the
work of Nova Roma can move forward. The other constitutional amendment that we
co-wrote the Lex Equitia Galeria de Legibus Ex Post Factis introduced
the provision that no ex post facto laws would be constitutional in Nova Roma.
This is a safeguard against arbitrary laws.

I believe I have maintained the highest integrity and dedication to the welfare
of Nova Roma and her citizens.

As I make my fourth journey along the Curso Honorum I Again ask for your support
in this election effort.


Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
Candidate for Praetor

Fortuna Favet Fortibus