By Iove Optimus Maximus, Iuno Regina, Minerva Sapientissima, Concordia Publica, Ceres, Diana, Saturnus, Quirinus, Mars, Pax and Salus Publica, oh roman people of the quirites, I present you my candidature for the praetorship.

I have been citizen of NR since three years ago. On these time, I have followed the curso honorum step by step. The praetorship, as you can see, is the natural next step of the work I have been doing for the Republic.

I have been Interpreter. I have translated as many of the Website for Portuguese as you may see. As a deep knowledger of our laws and Constituion, I have made its translations to my mother language, which boosted NR presence into the luso-speaker countries.

I was quaestor of Plebeian Aedile Curius Scribonius. I was plebeian aedile, and have hold the Cerealia and Ludi Plebeian, even adding features the rules of the chariot races, and making a entire new set of rules for Munera. When plebeian aedile I noticed the deep problems our republic were suffering, and how the plebeian aedileship was far away of the roman concept, becoming empty and secondary. So I decided to undertake reforms and this was my platform as Tribune

I was scriba of former Tribune M. Arminius Maior and helped to write the first Lex Arminia de Edictibus. I was scriba provincial of Brasilia.
I am propraetor of Brasilia province and do my best to boost the provincial life, besides the problems NR has to spread into Latin America.

So I am tribune. On the very start of this tribunate I presented you a research about the origins of the aedileship and proposed laws to correct some historical details on the conception of the magistrature, providing a best path to the aediles serve this republic better (but still there much to work). I also worked hard about the Comitialis System, with amendmments to correct and improve our current system. I also worked together with our beloved consul Marinus to make the laws of the roman definitios of the powers of magistratures, as a feeding and contribution for the constitutional convention there was happening, showing that Tribunes and Consules can work - shall work - together.

I also had a deep knowledge of the meaning of a tribunician veto, and the extreme responsabilty and political burden of a veto. I prefered to make a positive and constructive Tribunate, by adding proposals not blocking the acts of the magistrates. I remember when we disagree with a proposal we must say NO by voting on the Comitia, not trying to block the voting through voicing retorical interpretations of subjectives ilegalities. The Comitia has always the final word. The Tribunes soon will lose all credibility if the veto is seen being used for anything with levianity. And this admonition I also extend to the current candidates for Tribunes: Propose more than block. If you have a political diference, go through votes, not vetos. A veto shouldn´t be taken so lightly like we have seen this year.

Under my Tribunate, fifteen laws were approved, all of them approved by the People. These handsome sucesses as legislator make me proud of the confidence and support of the Populi, however, makes me deeply consider the responsability of a legislator. All laws were intended to bring NR closer to the Ancient Way, and to the roman equilibrium as described on Polybios works. All of them were carved after deep meditation over the sources of the Ancient (Livius, Polybios, Cicero, etc) and a intimate knowledge of NR laws... and its mistakes as well. By Iove Stator, if there wasn´t the continuous help of the Immortals, I couldn´t endure this responsability. On this way, I have taken as my personal inspiration the great reformer Tribunes of the Ancient: Canuleius, Icilius, Licinius, Sextius, Gracchus. Their example and spirit have guided me through all the hard path of the laws I have been proposing.

But I have certain the ancient romans carved not in vane the saying "Vox Populi vox dei". - The voice of the People is the voice of the Gods. Each time pass, I consider this saying, and see in the Comitialis System the expression of this happening each Comitia. To prase you, roman people of the quirites, ending this Tribunate on such positive balance, I dare to make mines the words of M. Tulius Cicero:

"For what fertility of genius, what copiousness of eloquence can be so great, what language can be found of such divine and extraordinary power, as to enable any one, I will not say to do due honour to the universal kindness of you all towards us, but even to count up and enumerate all the separate acts of kindness which we have received from you?"

[M. Tullius Cicero. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, literally translated by C. D. Yonge, B. A. London. Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. 1856.]

The Comitialis System must be strenghten as It was strong in the Roman Republic, and it was the source of its stability. The Laws passed by the Comitia shall have the healing effect to correct our legal mistakes and the abuses we see, many of the roman misconcepts we still have on our legal system. All the Reforms lead by the everlasting wiseness of the Gods and the voting of the People - dearest to them. This will save us from legalism in many ways, been a step even further to Rome, the ultimate authority lays on the Comitia, and the magistrates, elected by the own Comitia, cares of it laws managing. It will grants equilibrium and flexibility to our internal deliberations, and get us closer to Ancient Rome. Magistratures, Senate and Comitia stronger, this is our dream.

We are on the path of sucess if we can make the Comitia and the will of the People strong as it was on Ancient. That is why I choose work for all in my magistratures and in the Senate, if I have the honour to be elected by the People. Equilibrium, as it was on Ancient Republic, as Polybios have wonderfuly written as his historian testimonial to us.

Seeing this, my joining of the Libra Alliance is a consequence. The Libra has the experience on NR and intimate knowledge on the sources of the Ancient. The Libra is completely sided to make a more roman Nova Roma, and the allow the growing of the institution throught all world. If we cannot make NR spread as its destiny, it will end. We have seen all over these years the good work of the magistrates now gathered on Libra. A compromise to make a more equilibrated Nova Roma, in other wods, a more roman Nova Roma, where the new citizens can raise the curso honorum and having a healthy environment to make its cultural researches.

I also must praise and congratulate its twin, the Moderati. The Moderati are a refreshing group of promising new magistrates I assure is absolutely sided with the strenghten of the Comitias and the equilibrium of the Roman Republic. I dare to say in the Moderati lays our future.

As Praetor, I won´t promise anything different I have been doing these years. Words cannot be used as weapon to make new citizens leave. Nova Roma must be a healthy environment! And this is my platform, reforms with responsability, mature proposes, intimate knowledge of the Roman System, coerence with our laws, loathing of partisan behaviour, respectul speeching, transparence on the Religio affairs, loyalty to the other magistrates, praises to the gods... on other words, dignity and respect over all on our main forum, and a really roman legal system.

Valete bene in pacem deorum,
L. Arminius Faustus