I come here today in my white toga to announce that I am candidating as
Custodus in the elections of this year.

For some time now I have wanted to contribute to Nova Roma by candidating to
some of it's offices, but my sparetime always seems to come in a short
supply. However, I think that I will be able to hold the office as Custodus
during the next year and do a good job, despite my studies and other
obligations in the Macronational world.

I have been a Citizen of Nova Roma for about two years now and have served
as Legate of Regio Suecica in the province of Thule, as Scriba under the
Curule Aedile Illustrus Gnaeus Equitius Marinus and as scriba in the Eagle
staff under the leadership of Tiberius Galerius Paulinus. In 2003 I attended
the International Rally in Bologna and during my office as Legate I have
attended two provincial mettings, one in Regio Suecica and one in Regio
Finnica, this last summer.

More information about me can be found at the webpage:



Gallus Minucius Iovinus