I am 21 years old and have been a citizen for very
nearly three years. In that time I have been a scribe
to two Aediles, accensus to two Consuls, rogator of
the Sodalitas Musarum, Quaestor, and - since May -
governor of the province of Britannia: I am asking you
now to support my candidacy for the Aedilitas Curulis.

My experience working under two successive Curule
Aediles has given me a clear understanding of what I
will be taking on if you elect me, as well as
experience of how to do it. I will work on ways to
make the games even more exciting for your enjoyment,
and I will of course continue to support the Magna
Mater project. As Quaestor, I have collected your
taxes this year; as a provincial governor, I have
organised face-to-face meetings, and generally
encouraged the growth of my province. I am a friendly
and approachable person who will deal fairly with any
commercial disputes (working from the basis laid down
by this year's aedilician edicts). I am not a member
of any political party, faction, or alliance, open or

I don't enjoy talking about myself, so I'll leave it
there, but I encourage anyone with questions about my
candidacy to contact me via either this list or my
private email (livia@s...).

C. Fabia Livia