Gaius Modius Athanasius Salutem Plurimam Dicit

Fellow Citizens of Nova Roma:
I humbly come before you to announce my candidacy for the office of Consul.
I have been a citizen of Nova Roma since May 26th, 2002. I am a citizen of
the Great Province of Lacus Magni and have served my province as a Legate,
and Procurator. I am a practitioner of the Religio Romana and serve the
Republic as a member of the Collegium Pontificum as a Pontifex and Flamen
and the Collegium Augurium as an Augur. I am also a Lictor of the Comitia
One of the things I have learned as a Tribune this year is that I can and do
make mistakes. I have said things that have been offensive, and I have been
the cause of frustration to some, however, through all of this I have
learned that it is extremely important for all of us to work together and I
attempted to mend fences when necessary and admit to making mistakes. I have
found that cooperation among people of different macronationalities is
essential, and I have found that cooperation among Religio Practitioners and
Non-Religio Practitioners is essential, and I have found that cooperation
people of differing ideologies is essential. The common ground that we all
share is that we have a love of Ancient Rome, and we wish to reconstruct this
love into a modern manifestation of the rich culture that was Rome.
I come before this forum as a candidate for Consul instead of another office
because I feel that I can make a difference as Consul in spreading my vision
of Nova Roma; a vision that includes people working together for a better
place for those who love Rome. I believe that I can best spread this vision as

a Consul.
I have done several things to promote Nova Roma and the Religio Romana to
the macronational world. Some of the things I have done this past year to
promote Nova Roma include having conducted workshops on the Religio Romana at
Dayton (Ohio) Pagan Pride Days in 2003 and 2004, and at Pagan Spirit Gathering
in 2003 and 2004. I have conducted several public rituals in honor of Pomona,
in my capacity as Flamen Pomonalis. I even made the front page of a local
weekly newspaper dressed in Toga making offerings to Pomona. I believe it is
important to get out and promote Nova Roma.
My platform if elected Consul includes:
I plan to actively encourage more local group and provincial activities and
offer legislative support.
I also plan to work with the Collegium Pontificum to start an initiative to
facilitate local activities of the Religio Romana within the Provinces.
I plan to continue in working with people of all political persuasions for
the betterment of Nova Roma. Our Republic is rich in personalities, and you
will not get to experience the bouquet of people if you limit yourself to one
ideology. I believe the PeaceNR list that I created in August has helped to
facilitate cooperation and understanding, as I know it has helped me to
understand others and to help build common ground.
We all need to work together to make Nova Roma greater than what it already
is. A lot has been accomplished over the past several years; but more work
still needs to be done. This is an ongoing project, and I hope to be elected
to serve our Republic.
There is, however, a very important statement that I would like to make. I
give my word that if I am elected to Consul that I will work with the other
Consul to foster peace and cooperation, and I will work with the other
magistrates to foster unity and understanding within Nova Roma.
Furthermore, I wish to publicly state that if the citizens of Nova Roma find
that they do not wish for me to be Consul this year then I will graciously
accept the will of the People. I will not challenge the ruling of the
Rogators. I ran for Tribune in 2002 and was not elected. I endured five
elections, and after the fifth one I stepped down as a candidate because this
was what was best for our Republic, it was almost June by this time. If I am
not elected Consul, I shall still work to better our Republic and will still
offer my assistance to the new Consuls in my capacity as Pontifex, Augur, and
In closing, I ask that you support my vision of Nova Roma and cast your vote
for me.
Gaius Modius Athanasius