P. Minucia Tiberia Strabo Senatus Populesque Novae Romae S.P.D.

I come before you donned in white stola, in reverence and humility, to announce
that I shall candidate for the position of Consul Novae Romae 2758 A.U.C.

I have been a citizen of Nova Roma since Ian 2753. I have had an affinity for
the Roman culture since I was about 9 years of age. I have held various scribal
positions here in Nova Roma, accensi positions, sodalitates positions, some of
which I still hold today. Currently I am Scriba to Curule Aedile Marcus Iulius
Perusianus, who is custodian of the Magna Mater Project. I am a former Praetor.
Macronationally, I am a Registered Nurse, amateur historian, wife, and mother
of two sons.

Quirites, our republic is hurting. We have been deeply fissured by social and
religious misunderstandings, conflicts arising from disturbing constitutional
and legal applications and decisions. Oh, some of this is to be expected from
time to time, given our diversity, but I believe that much of this can be
avoided and truly needs to be. And indeed, there are those who instigate and
propogate these states of bitterness for their own political agendae. And who
gets hurt? Nova Roma, her provinciae and her composite citizens. On our present
course, we will neither fly nor float; we will gut and crack in the middle. We
have lost many more citizens than necessary..including some devout practitioners
of the Religio Romana. Have they given up on their faith? No. They are
practicing it elsewhere....Why have they felt the need to move on? The reasons
vary. Oh, we can point fingers and name names. No. Let's not. Let's make a
decision to move on and brainstorm some workable solutions
for the future, shall we?

I think the greatest offering of Nova Roma to the Gods of Rome, and to our own
private divinities for that matter, is to say with all humility........'No, we
don't have all the answers, but we want to do the best we can. Help us to sift
out the 'must haves' from the 'would likes' in the building of the Pax Deorum
and Mos Maiorum and go from there. Help us to be wise in the determination of
what we can and cannot do as mortals, and assist us to avoid hubris, as the
stones of Delphi teach".

I often think that in our quest to adapt as much historical precedent into our
reconstruction efforts, we have innocently jumped on a tightrope of sorts...one
little mistake in footing and we'll fall off. Well, of course we will! We are
human, and we need a continuum, not a tightrope. Let us cut ourselves a little
bit of slack, allowing for the appropriate handling of some of our current
circumstances, the uniqueness of which the ancients did not have to worry
about, and circumstances on which the Gods were never asked for a ruling in
antiqua. Let us have the confidence the ancients posessed.

It is time to start reflecting on a cup that is half 'full', not half 'empty'.
It is time to start appreciating our commonality. It is time to be eachother's
'friends'. It is time to enjoy the company of one another. It is time to have
FUN :) We will not flourish in a state of disunity. It is time to view things
from all perpectives...as with the vision of Ianus.

In facilitation of the above, I would like the opportunity next year to:

...Continue support of the Magna Mater project, Academia Thule, and the
promotion of Nova Roma through Sodalitas Militarium, Sodalitas Egressus and New
Roman List efforts such as the Go Roman! initiatives.

...Revise the constitutional language, starting with the core areas of concern
and moving to the less consequential areas. I am concerned when areas within
the constitution conflict with other areas of the constitution ....the language
regarding the Rights of Citizens need some work, in my opinion. Some passages
are superfluous and/or impracticable, no disrespect intended, really. We rely
heavily on this document, and I don't think we collectively realized how
important its language truly is until this year. We have had one citizen
questionably, yet effectively, declared guilty in perpetuity without trial, and
also, we've entertained a legal dilemna on the constitutional appropriateness
of a recent lex promulgation...Well, the constitution addresses the issue as I
read it, in four places, which lack harmony.

This constitutional rework has been initiated by our Current Consul Gnaeus
Equitius Marinus, and I would like the opportunity to gather the necessary
assistance to facilitate its completion. I lean toward a rigid constitutional
model until we grow a few roots in the developing of our own Mos Maiorum...
although, I am willing to entertain advice and arguments to the contrary, and I
acknowledge that the Senate and Comitiae will be the ones to ultimately
rubberstamp these reforms.

I see the need to atleast look at the prospect of a Constitutional Court to help
us with legal decisions in a dilemna where all other courses of the legislative
process have failed us. I would not want this to be used frequently by any
means, and I do believe that if we rewrite our highest ruling document, the need
for such a court will be rare.

I would also like to:

....Improve the communication environment on the mainlist. I will support the
Praetores' imperium to maintain civil discourse while allowing for the greatest
elacrity of freedom of speech.

....Expand on the recent and excellent example of Censor L. Cornelius Sulla
Felix via amendment to the pertinent Leges Saliciae. I am in total agreement
with him that citizens should be responsible for their actions, not only on the
mainlist, but 'anywhere'..... be it on the street in front of a crowd of
listeners, or on other mailing lists such as the Back Alley. Especially
magistrates who have taken oaths of office. Is it not rather inappropriate that
one should say something about another, which is *afuzz* with virtue on the
mainlist, then go into a back alley atmosphere and slander that same citizen? Ex
officium or in abstentio. It doesn't matter. Legal accountability, to me, is
the only way we are going to put a stop to those who use such lists for personal
spite and political looting.

I offer my help in working on an appropriately balanced relationship between the
Collegium Pontificium and the populus. How am I (or we) going to do this? We
have discussed several concerns and options this year on various lists, and I
don't want to commit to anything without first discussing matters with the
Pontifex Maximus and the other Pontiffs. There are differing opinions as to the
role of the CP, the qualifications for Pontifices, and the CP internally seems
rather divided in nature. I will not promise any major milestones, but I am
quite sure that some headway can be gained in this area. I have faith that most
of the Pontiffs will atleast talk about some key concerns. The Pontifex
Maximus, however, is the laison between the people and the CP, and his
protection and wellbeing, to me, is not merely an internal affair exclusive to
the CP. He is the peoples' business as well, and I think it behooves us to
place his role and official status under legislative protection.
Again, I am willing the listen to the concerns of the Pontiffs, other
religious officials, and citizens.

These are what I target as key problems, and my suggested remedies. I
respectfully ask for your support in the forthcoming elections. I promise Nova
Roma an unresigned term of hard work, accountability and honesty.

Bene valete..........