Gnaeus Equitius Marinus Quiritibus salutem plurimam dicit:

Salvete Quirites,

I have decided to stand for election to the office of Censor. I hope
you'll vote for me.

Next year is a census year, and the censors will be very busy.
Additionally, there will be a state of flux as the provisions of the Lex
Labiena de Gentibus and the Lex Equitia de Gentibus take effect. Since
I'm one of the architects of those changes I think it's appropriate that
I be involved in making the transitions as smooth and easy as possible
for all involved.

As Consul this year I have worked closely with the Censors. I
understand and appreciate the work that needs to be done, and I feel
confident that I can do it, and do it well. I know that I can work with
Censor Fabius Quintilianus, who has another year remaining in office.
I'm also sure I can work closely with all of the provincial propraetors
and proconsuls to make next year's census a success.


Gn. Equitius Marinus