Salvete Quirites,

As most of you already know I'm a candidate for Tribune.

Instead of the usual statement I'm just going to Tell you a few things about myself. I have been a citizen of Nova Roma for almost three years, since December 28th 2753. I have served as a Propraetor, as a Legate, and as Accensus to two Consuls. I'm currently a Senator and a Pontifex.

When I first became a citizen Nova Roma was involved in a bitter political fight over the Gender/Name edict which was later passed into law. I Did not and do not support this policy. During the fight over that policy (It in no way deserves the name of a debate) I quickly became disgusted by the tactics that some who opposed that policy were employing, smears and personal attacks. I Defended the people who were supporting a policy I disagreed with against people who's position on that edict was closer to my own.

Last year the subject of Gens Reform came up, and with it a series of personal attacks against the Paterfamilias of Cornelia and smears leveled against his entire Gens. I don't care for the way they choose to set up their Gens and would prefer that they do so on a more historic basis, but I defended their right to retain their present structure until they decide to change it, and defended them against the personal attacks leveled against them.

Last fall a Pagan came on this list attacking Christians. Even though I'm a follower of the Religio Romana I stood up for Nova Roma's Christians against the person who was attacking them, and then pushed for a change in the Blasphemy law so that non-pagans would know that they could defend themselves against attacks without fear of being charged with Blasphemy.

This year I stood up for citizens who were being personally attacked for stating their political viewpoints by giving the attacker a taste of his own medicine.

I Ask you to consider these things and then decide what kind of Tribune I would be.

L. Sicinius Drusus