Gaius Minucius Hadrianus Quiritibus Salutem Plurimam Dictit.

I, Gaius Minucius Hadrianus stand before you in my toga candida and declare that I will stand for the office of Rogator for the year 2757 A.U.C.

I have been a citizen of Nova Roma since 2000 and in that time I have served the Res Publica in the offices of Quaestor, Propraetor and Provincial Legate and I ask you, the Quirites, to give me the honor and opportunity to continue to serve Nova Roma in the vital office of Rogator.

If elected I pledge before the Gods that I shall give the office my full efforts, and strive to uphold the excellent standards of honesty and efficiency that previous Rogators have granted our voting system.

Thank you.


C. Minucius Hadrinaus
Minerva Templi Sacerdotes
Propraetor Nova Britannia