Decimus Iunius Silanus Omnibus S.P.D.

Today I would like to declare my intention to campaign for the office of praetor thus continuing my service to Nova Roma. As a consequence I will outline my credentials and past service to our republic and my qualifications for this most illustrious of offices.

I am currently coming to the end of a two-year term as scribe to Censor Caius Flavius Diocletianus, a position that has granted me with intricate knowledge of the inner workings of Nova Roma. I have also served, for the last 20 months, as Propraetor to the once more thriving province of Britannia. My role in helping to revive our once dormant provincia has almost certainly been my most satisfying responsibility as a magistrate of Nova Roma. Britannia is now a most active province and only recently we held our first official provincial gathering.

Perhaps my responsibilities most pertinent to the office of praetor have been to serve as elected quaestor and scribe to Praetor Decius Iunius Palladius. My experience earned this year, assisting with list moderation and other praetorian duties have equipped me with knowledge and experience to continue the excellent efforts shown by this years elected Praetors, particularly with regards to list moderation.

Thus to my campaign platform, and specifically to moderation of the main list, which is now a key responsibility for the praetors of Nova Roma. Firstly, it must be said that personal and venomous attacks on the main list do nothing to further the goals of Nova Roma and only promote discord and disunity. However, whilst I believe that some degree of moderation is essential for the protection of Nova Roma and her citizens, I most heavily advocate a hands-off approach, certainly as much as is possible. Previous events have proved that our main channel of communication cannot be allowed to go totally un-moderated but I would strive to emulate the lighter moderation approach utilised so successfully by our current Praetors.

My friends within Nova Roma know me to be a honourable and conscientious person, passionate about our republic, albeit with a cool and level head. In addition, a praetor needs to show a level of commitment conducive to list moderation duties. These qualities necessary for praetor are, I believe, the qualities I possess.

Any citizen is most welcome to contact me on this list, or privately, on these or any other matters. I most humbly ask for your support.

Vivat Respublica

Decimus Iunius Silanus
Candidate for Praetor