Diana Moravia Aventina walks into the Forum wearing a new glowingly white toga which was designed specifically for this occasion by Iulius's Designer Toga Boutique of Rome. Diana looks around a bit embarrased hoping that no one noticed that a few pins jetisoned out of her hair which took her hours to get coifed at Claudia's Hair Salon located at 1 Via Romana. Quickly regaining her composure, Diana smiles to herself to see such a large crowd in the Forum today. The occupants of the Forum (a happy mix of both ladies and gentlemen) look up, but unlike last year, this time many of the citizens recognize her and a few friendly faces interrupt their conversations in order to smile and wave hello.

Diana says:
"Salvete quirites!

It is a pleasure to see so many of my friends here in the Forum today! There is no place on Earth I'd rather be than here with the warm sun on my face surrounded by my fellow citizens! But today I have not come to discuss Tribune issues, but to declare my candidacy to serve Rome as Consul for the year 2757". A few mouths drop open in surprise as Diana continues.

"This year has been a wonderful learning experience for me. I've surprised both myself and no doubt others by how much I've learned about Nova Roma, her laws and political procedures during my service as Tribune. I have been extremely active as a Tribune and have enjoyed my service to Rome during every minute of it. I think that on December 31, 2756 I will leave that Office better than I found it, having written a Tribune's Handbook so that all future Tribunes will clearly know what laws and guidelines they must follow. And now I am ready to make another step forward, even if it seems to be a large one.

I believe that just as I was capable of being a Tribune, I am also quite capable of serving Nova Roma as Consul. I have the main qualifications that it takes: willing to work hard, willing to listen,willing to learn and most of all, enjoying all three.

Other than promising to work hard (a promise that I kept as Tribune) I don't have a long list of campaign promises. I feel that issues will arise next year that will need to be dealt with and that promises made today to do this or that might be unnecessary to do next year. My goal is not to change things around or to present empty laws that we won't need for 10 more years soley for posturings sake, but to fix the things that need fixing as problems arise. However, since my main strength is in getting things organized, I would like to work with our Curator Araneum to make sure that all laws in the Tabularium are up to date and to go through them in order to amend the grey areas of any laws that are unclear. If time and workload allows, I would also like to write a detailed handbook for new citizens who often get confused during their first months of citizenship.

A little bit about me: In the macro-world, I am both a US and a Belgian citizen and so I feel an affinity with citizens on both sides of the Atlantic. I am 42 years old but thanks to the blessings of my patron goddess Venus, the twinkle in my eyes is still that of a young maiden of 18 even if physically I look more like a 36 year old :-) I have a pretty goofy sense of humour, go through life with a silly smile glued on my face because I always can find something to laugh about in any situation.

As a follower of the Religio Romana, I did not pay lip service when I swore during my Oath of Office as Tribune to honor the Gods in my public dealings. As a Priestess of the Religio, if elected Consul I hope to be a positive reminder to all magistrates and citizens that our Gods must recieve the Honor that is their due.

I humbly ask for your support and promise that if I am elected as Consul, I will continue to work hard for the betterment of Nova Roma and her citizens.

May the Gods bless you and yours!

Valete & warmest regards from Gallia,

Diana Moravia Aventina
Senior Tribunus Plebis of 2756 & Priestess of Venus
Visit my Office at http://www.dianamoravia.tk
or the Temple that I've built in honor of Venus, the Goddess of Love at http://www.goddessoflove.tk"