Gnaeus Equitius Marinus Quiritibus Salutem Plurimam Dixit:

I place myself before you in candidacy for the Consulship of 2757 auc.

A week ago, I informed Consul T. Labienus Fortunatus of my intention to run, and in the interim some have noticed my name on the list of candidates for Consul. But until now other obligations have prevented me from having the time to craft a proper statement; the kind of statement I believe you all deserve from anyone who would seek the office of Consul.

As Consul, I shall pursue a course of continuing improvement. Nova Roma has come a long way this year under the leadership of our two able Consuls, Caeso Fabius Quintilianus and Titus Labienus Fortunatus. I will build on the progress that they have made, pursuing progress which incorporates the integrity, the enthusiasm, and the popular reforms which I have been privileged to work on during this past year as an advisor to our current senior Consul.

Nobody, not a Fabius nor an Equitius nor even a Iulius Caesar, can do within one year's time all those things which ought to be done to bring Nova Roma into the full realization of our potential. But in the time that you give me to serve you, I promise that I shall not be idle. I will work with our most active and able citizens to bring us closer to the Mos Maiorum in our laws. I will work to bring more Nova Romans into face-to-face meetings with each other. I will ask each of you to let me know your thoughts and opinions on whatever matters most to you in our micronation, and when I finally lay down the fasces of office I will leave a structure that is stronger, abler, and more clearly directed into the future, underpinned by the strength of the past.

In my years as a Nova Roman citizen I have served from the very beginning. I came first to the Sodalitas Militarium, where I sought out an opportunity for service and was granted the post of Accensus by Praefectus Marcus Minucius Audens. I have also been active in the Sodalitas Musarum since my earliest days, and now serve as an officer of that society as well. I'm active in many other sodalites as well, and continue to participate in the cultural life of our republic.

For the last two years, I've been active in Nova Roman politics. I began as an assistant to Caeso Fabius Quintilianus when he was elected Curule Aedile. I later became his colleague, as Curule Aedile suffectus when his elected colleague resigned. A year ago, you elected me to continue in that office, and I have served you as Curule Aedile all through this year. I have also continued to work closely with Consul Quintilianus as the leader of his office of law and politics, a part of his Consular cohort. Almost a year ago, I also took up the duties as governor of provincia Mediatlantica, where I worked from the very first day to reinvigorate the citizens of the province. I am pleased that through my efforts and those of my able legates, we have brought back a number of once-idle citizens.

Those of you who have met me in person know that with me, what you see is what you get. I'm a retired US Marine, and I take great pride in that. In two days I will mark 31 years of marriage to my dear wife Paulina Gratidia Equitia. I am proud to be the father of both Gratia Equitia Marina and Alia Equitia Marina, and I am pleased that my wife and daughters chose to follow me into Nova Roma. I am a professional astronomer working in space-based research, and I teach at the university level as an adjunct professor of physics and astronomy. I also continue to serve in uniform, as an officer of my state's defense force.

I know that each of us has a vision of Nova Roma, and a hope for what Nova Roma can be. I ask you each to share your dreams with me, to elect me your Consul, and to come with me into the new year where we will take those next steps toward our common goal.

Gnaeus Equitius Marinus