G. Iulius Scaurus S. P. D.

Salvete, Quirites.

I come before you today clad in toga candidata to stand for the office of Aedilis Curulis. I have been a citizen since ante diem X Kal. Mai., MMDCCLVI A.U.C. I have served as scriba praetoris to Cn. Salix Astur, under whom I have completed a soon-to-be-published index and manual of Nova Roman law. I have served as Legatus of Provincia America Austroccidentlis. I am a practitioner of the Religio Romana and am honoured to serve as Pontifex and Flamen Quirinalis.

I am fifty-two years of age, live in Oklahoma, and am a professional historian whose research interests include Roman history, palaeography, epigraphy, and the Religio Romana. I have shared what I know as a historian with all who have sought information from me here (and to some who did not seek it :-). I have assisted in the drafting of leges, including a more historical electoral system for the Comitia Centuriata and Nova Roma's first penal code. I performed the priestly rites required of me. On a somewhat more distant front, I have compiled and donated a several-hundred entry bibliography of modern scholarship on the cult of Isis and its cultural milieu to _The Eagle_ for publication as a booklet, the proceeds of which will go to Nova Roma (I am not a devotee of Isis, but the iconography of the Isis cult in the Latin West is a professional research interest of mine). I have come to devote rather more of my life to Nova Roma than I expected when I first stumbled upon the website, and I regret not a bit of it. The comradeship of friends and co-religionists in Nova Roma has been a deeply rewarding experience for me.

Most probably will recall me as the chap who posts a Roman-related link each day here in the forum. That has been the result of a vow I made to my patron Venus Genetrix upon becoming a citizen to post something of use to other citizens here each day for a year in gratitude for having been led to Nova Roma.

I take another vow today before you, Quirites: If Fortuna shall smile upon me such that I shall earn your votes, I swear to Her, to Venus Genetrix, and to Pater Quirinus to carry out the duties of an Aedilis Curulis in such a way as to bring honour to my patrician heritage, my Iulian gens, and our sacred republic.

In the coming days I shall post for discussion the specific policies I shall follow if elected.

If anyone wishes to discuss anything further, please feel free to email me at gfr@wisperok.net

May the Di Immortales strengthen and increase our Nova Roma!

Valete, Quirites.

G. Iulius Scaurus